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A Quick Hello and Introduction

By Claudel Leveille

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

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Hello! My name is Claudel and welcome to my blog. The primary reason that I am creating this blog is to share my thoughts on a variety of topics and engage in conversation with people who want to participate in online or in-person discussions on those topics. I hope that my blog can serve as a reliable trove of accurate and helpful information related to fitness, nutrition, music, politics, sports, anime, and other topics that I’m interested in. 

My aim is to share and present information in the most entertaining, enjoyable, and thoughtful way possible. I find that social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram only allow users to offer a snapshot of their thoughts. By presenting the entirety of my thought process on this blog, I can go into greater detail about the perspectives that I have on certain issues and perhaps allow people to acquire a better picture of where I am coming from.

Over the years I have accumulated of a great deal of information from books, magazines, Youtube, medical websites, scientific articles, and in-person conversations, but I have never taken the step to share that information in a public fashion. I plan to be as sensible as possible on my blog, using an evidence-based approach to any serious argument that I put forth.  When sharing my views on any subject, I will be sure to provide sources where appropriate. Of course there will be less serious blog posts where I just casually share my position on something without applying any sort of academic rigor.

I expect healthy disagreements whenever I discuss any topic that is remotely contentious. I think different points of views are helpful and I welcome them with open arms. I have always had an open mind. However, I will not engage in any type of back and forth with anyone, because that is not the purpose of this blog. 

I sincerely look forward to being a sharing my thoughts and ideas here. It is going to take a while before I find my groove and figure out the best ways to use this tool, so please be patient.  Again, welcome and thank you for your support.

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