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Claudel L.

Anti-White Black Supremacist Terrorist Darrell Brooks Having the Time Of His Life In Court

Since the start of his trial, Darrell Brooks has: Thrown temper tantrums, Mocked the deceased, Pretended that he doesn't know his own name, Claimed that he is the real victim, Gone shirtless, Intimidated a judge, Cross-examined witnesses, and Worse.

Darrell Brooks is a mass murdering terrorist. He is the lowest of the low in American society. As an advocate of the old-school death penalty, I believe that Darrell should have been hanged within a week of his rampage. Last November Mr. Brooks drove his SUV into a crowd of innocent civilians celebrating the Christmas season in Waukesha, WI. Mr. Brooks killed 6 and badly injured 62 others. All of his victims were white. After he was apprehended, it was revealed that he had an apparent animus for white people that he frequently shared on social media. Mr. Brooks viewed the American police force as a representation of white America. That perspective fueled his disdain for law enforcement and white folks. Mr. Brooks openly espoused what could be called “black supremacist” views and then he acted on those beliefs in a deadly way.

Fast forward to October 2022. Darrell Brooks is being allowed to act like an unrestrained lunatic in court. Even though Mr. Brooks is a mass murderer, and doesn't deserve the benefit of any civil rights, nothing is being done to stop him. The other day, Darrell Brooks "mean mugged" the female judge to the point that she said that she called for recess because she was “scared” of him. Maybe the female judge shouldn't be in that position since she can't handle Brooks. She should see a therapist or find a different job. But why is this even allowed to happen in the first place? This charade is beyond abhorrent. In stark comparison, the January 6th defendants have not been given the same liberties. Most of them are still wallowing in solitary confinement. For almost 2 years, several January 6th defendants have been left to rot in jail in terrible conditions and many of them are going to get sentenced to significant prison time.

This woman is scared of him. Plenty of other jobs for you, lady

In contrast, mass murdering terrorist Darrell Brooks is in court trolling witnesses and mocking the deceased. Brooks has been given far better treatment than the January 6th defendants even though he committed a far more heinous crime. Recently, Brooks, who is acting as his own lawyer, argued that the case against him should be dismissed. Why? Well, he argued that he should go free because the victims (the people he maimed/killed with his vehicle) were not present in the court room. How is this even allowed? It's absolutely sickening. Obviously the victims aren't in court to testify against him because they’re all dead or permanently injured. Darrell Brooks is allowed to revel in his murderous actions while re-traumatizing everyone involved in the tragedy. The very same American system that he hated so much before he went on his rampage is treating him with kid gloves and allowing him to make light of his crimes. Darrell Brooks is a deeply disturbed and evil man and the American justice system is weak and pathetic on people like him.


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