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Claudel L.

Bail Reform Nightmare: UCLA Grad Student KNIFED TO DEATH in Los Angeles By Career Criminal

Another “bail-reform” beneficiary, another innocent life violently snuffed out

On January 13, 2022 Shawn Laval Smith walked into a swanky furniture store named Croft House in LA, and proceeded to fatally stab a 24-year old employee and UCLA graduate student by the name of Brianna Kupfer. After claiming his victim, the murderer casually exited the bloody scene, leaving the innocent girl to bleed out. Smith was captured on surveillance video nonchalantly buying a vape pen at a nearby 7-Eleven shortly after the heartless homicide as if he hadn’t just butchered someone. Kupfer’s blood-soaked body was discovered by a horrified customer 20 minutes later, but it was already too late to save her. She had already died. The manhunt for Shawn went on for several days until the brute was nabbed on the 20th.

Shawn Laval Smith is yet another beneficiary of the pro-black and pro-crime “bail reform” movement that is wreaking havoc across the country. Smith has a comically voluminous criminal record and he really had no business being free and out of prison. But because he is an oppressed black man in America, the criminal justice system decided to give him several passes.

Before committing the callous murder, Smith had most recently been arrested, for, get this, biting a police officer after throwing a tantrum in the back of a police vehicle. Smith was snagged in January 2021 for vandalizing a stranger’s car in Daly City, California, but he must have believed that he did nothing wrong because he ended up thrashing about in the back seat according to the police report. When the officers tried to restrain the out of control fiend, Smith chomped on one of the officers’ fingers, drawing blood. In October of 2020, just a three months before that ridiculous outburst, Smith was charged with a misdemeanor for being in possession of stolen property. Despite this transgression, which was yet another misdeed added on top of a mountain of misdeeds by the career criminal, Smith was let out on a stunningly low $1,000 bail.

Smith's extensive criminal history includes the following infractions: disorderly conduct, shoplifting, resisting arrest, trespassing, marijuana possession, driving without a license, driving with an expired registration, careless driving, contempt of court, and firing a gun into an occupied vehicle.

Smith should have received a substantial prison sentence for a road rage incident in South Carolina back in 2019 in which he fired a gun into a vehicle that had a toddler in the back seat. In that instance, Smith was arrested, held in jail, and then freed on a $50,000 bond with the stipulation that he was forbidden from leaving the state. Somehow, Shawn Laval Smith departed from South Carolina in clear violation of the terms of his release and traveled all the way to California without being apprehended. And then when he was arrested in California for theft in 2020, he was not re-arrested and sent back to South Carolina as he should have been in order to suffer the appropriate penalty for his crime of attempted homicide in the road rage case.

But none of that happened. None of the proper steps were taken to keep Shawn Laval Smith off the streets and away from innocent potential victims. Smith was a free man who continued to flout the law all the way up until he violently stabbed Brianna Kupfer to death. This entire episode evinces a glaring failure of the U.S. justice system to carry out its primary duty, which is to keep Americans safe from crime. The same system that is, according to leftists, so very tough on black men, allowed Shawn Laval Smith countless opportunities to change his ways. But he did not. Shawn Laval Smith, a serial offender who had committed a slew of crimes all across the country over the course of a decade remained a free man until he finally took someone’s life.


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