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Claudel L.

Don't Get Your Hopes Up: 8 REASONS Why I DO NOT Trust the UK’s About-Face on Covid Tyranny


Last week, the UK announced that it would be drastically scaling back its medical dictatorship. But should we be optimistic about it? Are they honestly admitting that what they’ve done over the past 2 years is evil and wrong? Should we have any reason to believe that the powerful elites running the pandemic program in the UK are waving the white flag? Can we really say that the jig is finally up?

I was just as confused and pleasantly surprised as anybody when I read that the United Kingdom was scrapping most of its authoritarian coronavirus restrictions and halting the enforcement of its unethical and shameful vaccination passport program. It’s a good development but it’s certainly not the end of the road. I’ve seen quite a few people, especially mainstream conservative charlatans and shills, wildly celebrating the UK’s recent decision to restore some measure of freedom in the country. Quite frankly, I find their jubilation to be preemptive, juvenile, and foolish. I am not so quick to rejoice because first of all, basic freedoms should have never been taken away, and second of all, I am fully cognizant of the deeper, darker agenda behind all of this. Consequently, I know that there is no way in hell that the people running the show would relinquish their stranglehold on society all at once without having some tricks up their sleeve.

All that we have to do in order to discern whether the UK is championing basic freedom is ask the necessary questions. Why would a country such as the UK, which has been one of the most stringent and oppressive Covid regimes in the world, make an about-face so drastically and so suddenly? Could it really be that the leadership is finally feeling threatened by the frustrated voices of the downtrodden? Could it be that the government perceives winds of revolution emanating from an angry populace and has decided to make concessions? Had the shift in policy been facilitated by ample fear being struck into the hearts of the tyrants lording over the British public?

Based on what I’ve reviewed thus far about the possible reasons behind the sudden reversal, it seems as though it was catalyzed by bickering and power struggles within the ranks of the government bureaucracy rather than by popular grassroots dissent against the coronavirus dystopia. So there is no real reason to celebrate. This is only a minor victory but the greater war is still being lost. Moreover, there are a variety of concerning facts about the current state of world affairs that lead me to believe that the UK will not actually allow the citizenry to permanently return to normal. I have compiled 8 key reasons that elucidate why I believe that this will only be a brief interlude before the next round of medical despotism.


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