After narrowly escaping death, he admitted from the hospital bed that he underestimated how bad things in Gotham have gotten

Pierrick Jamaux is a successful man who enjoys a lavish and luxurous lifestyle. He currently lives in Hong Kong and works for a cryptocurrency firm. He is also a minor Instagram celebrity with an attractive Australian model for a wife. In his mind, visiting the Big Apple to continue living the good life was a no-brainer. Pierrick arrived as a tourist a couple weeks ago and went around town wearing a very visible and very expensive Richard Mille watch that he often flaunts on his social media. Apparently, Jamaux thought he could just roll through the Big Apple with his pretty wife and show off. That’s what he thought. But he was wrong. Dead wrong. He almost paid for that carelessness with his life. This is 2022, not 2010, pal. New York City has turned into a hellscape where murderers, robbers, rapists, drug fiends, and the mentally ill practically roam freely and have similar rights and privileges as law-abiding citizens.

At the end of what was probably another day of insouciant consumerism which included a visit to a strip club, Jamaux stepped out of his Uber in front of the swanky Fifty Hotel and Suites in Midtown Manhattan where he and his wife were staying. Unbeknownst to Jamaux, there was a creature of the night named Nathaniel Owens laying in wait for him. Bursting from the shadows with his eyes fixated on snatching the Richard Mille watch from Jamaux’s wrist, the fiend brutally attacked the unsuspecting tourist. In the midst of the struggle, Owens discharged his gun, firing multiple shots at his victim. Pierrick was struck several times in his lower extremities, including his groin, leaving him seriously wounded. In a courageous act that probably saved his life, one of Pierrick’s companions jumped on the monster’s back and wrapped her hands around his neck in an attempt to restrain him. After realizing that the brazen robbery attempt was going to fail, Nathaniel gave up and fled the scene in a getaway vehicle.

I think Jamaux learned his lesson. He's lucky to be alive. Jamaux must not have been keeping up with the recent crime statistics coming out of New York City. Because if he knew what has been going on for the past 3 years in NYC, he would have thought twice about visiting. Unfortunately for him, he learned the hard way. The bullets from Nathaniel’s gun “shattered his femur bone and severed his femoral artery.” After miraculously surviving his wounds, Jamaux is still in pretty bad shape in the hospital. He has had at least six surgical procedures on his wounds. As for the fate of his assailant, Nathaniel Owens was found by the police and arrested at his girlfriend’s home. The brute has been charged with attempted murder, attempted robbery, assault and gun possession.

Quite frankly, walking around New York City with expensive jewelry on without a team of bodyguards in 2022 is suicidal. That is not hyperbole. New York City is far from safe. Subhuman mongrels like Nathaniel Owens currently run the streets of Gotham thanks to the retreat of law enforcement for so-called social justice. Now that the predators are allowed to roam free, they are not afraid to rob, rape, or kill people in any part of the city at any time of the day. Therein lies the danger for naive people like Jamaux. However, it seems that his brush with death has inspired him to reflect on the sad state of affairs in New York City and consider what he could have done differently. Here is what he had to say:
“Because I thought New York was safe, I did not think I needed any security in New York. A few days before the shooting we walked for one block around midnight and I did not feel safe at all.”
“If I knew New York had changed like that, I would never have come here. I probably would have diverted my business trip and stayed in Europe.”
“You don't need to be a genius to realize New York is very very dangerous right now. I don't think it's safe for anyone. There are too many people who have nothing to lose.”

And that would be correct Pierrick. You ran into a privileged bail-reform recipient and you almost died for it. As usual, Nathaniel is a “Lengthy Rap Sheet American” who has been arrested at least 18 times within the last decade. Nathaniel Owens is a man who has been in jail or prison for most of his adult life. He served two separate lengthy stints behind bars for criminal possession of a weapon and was released on parole in 2019. In short, he is unfit to live in regular society. But alas, we live in the age of “criminal justice reform.” Unsurprisingly, Owens is a recidivist and since his 2019 release, he has not stopped committing crimes. What a shocker!
On January 23rd this year, Owens was arrested for felony assault after punching an elderly man who lived in his building complex. But Owens got lucky again. As a proud member of the class of people who get to commit crimes with impunity, Owens’ original felony charge was downgraded to a misdemeanor soon afterwards. And that’s not even the best part. After a court appearance on February 28th, a woke judge ruled that Owens could be released to the streets without bail! And how exactly did Owens show his gratitude for that leniency? Well, he showed it by attempting to rob and kill someone. Oh, what's the problem? Do you disagree? How come? I’ll have you know that in places like New York City where the lunatics run the insane asylum, attempted robbery and attempted murder are minor offenses. So contrary to what you might think, Nathaniel proved that he was worthy of being a free man. And don’t you worry. In the case of his latest insignificant crime, a minor fine and a little probation will set him straight.