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Claudel L.


How many "gun laws" do they need exactly? There's already so many...

The frequency of high profile American mass shootings has suddenly increased to the point at which there is a massive explosion of violent bloodshed every 3-4 weeks or so. It is obvious from a political standpoint that the Democrats want to take the opportunity to pass sweeping gun control (disarmament) legislation while the Joe Biden administration is in office. The Republicans are not too far behind either, as many of them are pushing for comprehensive background checks and red flag laws that would create a de facto police state in America. They've already passed a modest "bipartisan" bill to that effect.

With midterm elections approaching, the goal of total disarmament of the law-abiding population in America seems more likely than ever before. Keep in mind that young people are more mentally sick than they have ever been. As a result, they are a potent reservoir for overt or covert recruitment by the alphabet agencies. I am sure that these mind-controlled, Prozac and Xanax-infused teenage lunatics are going to be repeatedly unleashed on the population to maim and kill as many people as possible in order to convince terrified and exhausted voters to vote for disarmament.

I have a few theories about what’s going on right now.

1. The Simulation has been ramped up to Maximum Capacity. We’re living in a timeline in which any possible absurdity or atrocity that you can imagine will actually come true. This is plausible given the fact that: 1) we are hurtling towards nuclear conflict, 2) we are facing historic gas prices and inflation, 3) Covid-19 experimental mass vaccination is still ongoing and the lockdowns had a terrible effect on people's mental health 4) kids are being shown porn in elementary school as part of the LGBTQ agenda, 5) the basic concept of gender is being eroded.

2. The intrusive Orwellian online surveillance that we are all under is totally useless and just a fear tactic. Why is the NSA spying on all of us and collecting our data if psychopaths are able to exist online and commit crimes even though they’re on the government’s radar? Isn’t that what the unconstitutional spying is supposed to prevent? Apparently, as long as you’re not too right wing, you can display unusual and suspicious behavior for months or years on end without being flagged down. You can post videos on Youtube about mass murder like Crimo III did without worrying about any consequences.

3. The powers that be want certain acts of shocking acts of violence to occur in order to fulfill a specific agenda. In order to accomplish that, they overtly or covertly groom vulnerable and mentally ill young men into becoming suspiciously well-trained mass shooters.

What's going on right now could very well be a little bit of all three points. But allow me to emphasize on the third idea. This is not a conspiracy theory, it's a conspiracy fact. Intelligence agencies around the world really do utilize mind control tactics on certain kinds of people. Crimo III was certainly the perfect target for such programming for obvious reasons.

Before I close, I would like to note that far-left Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker had the nerve to make a statement calling for even more gun control when his state is already known for having some of the nation's strictest gun laws. Additionally, he had the gall to speak on the issue of gun violence when every 4th of July in Illinois in recent memory has been extremely bloody thanks to criminals wielding guns. Apparently, when a bunch of black people are killing each other en masse, it’s not a big deal. This past weekend, apart from the mass shooting, 71 people were shot and 8 people were killed in Chicago. Just last year, 100 people were shot over the 4th of July weekend in Chicago, but there was no press conference by Pritzker about it.

Pritzker wouldn’t have said anything about the typical annual black-on-black July 4th bloodshed this year either. He only spoke out against guns because Crimo III is yet another convenient poster child (so convenient) to use as proof of America's mass shooter epidemic. For that reason, Pritzker suddenly “cares” a whole lot about gun violence. It’s really that simple.


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