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Claudel L.


Where are all the pro-black activists now? Oh that's right ,they're counting their checks.

Peter Panthier, a black man, was calmly walking alongside another man in the streets of Queens on the evening of March 26th when suddenly the other fellow pulled out a gun and shot Peter in the head at point-blank range, instantly killing him. The murderer, presumably another black man, is still on the loose. Now his mother is crying to Mayor Eric Adams to stop the epidemic of crime that is consuming New York City. As if. Does she actually think that the Democrat, who has his own personal racially-tinged gripes with policing, is going to strengthen law enforcement in NYC?

“Something has to be done!”

Panthier’s mother wailed.

“Fix the city! Hold people accountable for their actions. Children are dying.”

That would be right, ma’am. Something does have to be done. Hopefully Panthier’s mom kept a level head throughout 2020 and wasn’t one of these radical BLM “defund the police'' activists. Because if she was one of those people, then she shouldn’t be too upset about tragically losing her son. When the police can’t go after bad guys, then good guys get killed. The capitulation by the police under the pressure of Black Lives Matter activists, left-wing politicians, and other nefarious actors has been a grave mistake. It is absolutely true that the police department has serious flaws and uses excessive force at times. And there are police officers with racial bias (not just white ones, by the way). But these problems should be addressed more conservatively. The absurd retreat by the criminal justice system under the albatross of “social justice” has actually made black lives matter much less. The BLM movement has only caused more violence and bloodshed among blacks due to surges in violence in black neighborhoods.

The radical Marxist BLM movement has resulted in more black criminals roaming the streets instead of being behind bars, where they belong. As a result of that, they are victimizing everyone, especially other blacks. Violent crime has increased substantially since the BLM movement took over the United States and more black people have died as a result of that. The highest rates of violence in the country have always existed in regions that are predominantly black. Therefore, it makes sense that those would be the areas that most noticeably spiral into cycles of hellish violence once the police stop patrolling.

If a certain group of people commits more crimes than other groups of people, then they will be targeted more often by law enforcement. Period. There is no way around that in a society that prioritizes safety and security. For some folks that may be disconcerting, but that’s just the way it is. It’s not a very palatable reality to digest but it does save lives. The wave of crime in NYC could end tomorrow if the police force was given the green light to do their jobs properly as was the case throughout the early 21st century when NYC was a much safer place than it is now.

This may be a controversial take, but New York City was safer when there was more racial profiling. Of course it does not feel good to be harassed by the police because of one’s outward appearance, and sometimes it does get out of hand. There are evil cops, and there are racist cops. But on net balance, targeting people based on external red flags does keep communities safe. People who look dangerous or suspicious, dress a certain way, or engage in risky and questionable activities, will justifiably attract the attention of law enforcement because they are simply more likely to commit crimes.

Does this analysis make you upset? Well, what would you rather have? Do you want to live in a city that is literally Hell on Earth with rampant mayhem, mischief, and murder? Or do you want to live in a city that looks functional, clean, and civilized with the most dangerous members of the community being brought to heel? And if you care about blacks, well more blacks would avoid the grave. It’s really not a difficult choice to make.


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