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Claudel L.

Mayor Eric Adams BITCHES About Being BLACK as NYC Crime CONTINUES to SPIRAL Out Of Control

How hard can one roll one's eyes without them falling out of the skull? Asking for a friend.

Eric Adams, the 2nd black mayor in NYC history is already bitching and moaning guessed it. Being a black man. It’s really never enough for people like him. He won’t be satisfied until he lives in a black ethnostate. I mean, NYC is about 20% black so he just needs to increase that by 80% during his time as Mayor. I think he can do it. He will have to do a lot of deportations though.

Oh yeah, sorry. Back to the topic at hand. So why is he upset? The little crybaby is mad because the media is calling him out for being a charlatan who is all talk and no action. Like most politicians, really. It is obvious that he is not going to do anything serious to curb the hellish crime wave that is engulfing the city. So why doesn’t he just own it?

But he won’t own it. And he never will. Because he's a clown. Instead of buckling down and doing his job, he whines that the media is racist. Here is what Adams had to say from the Daily Mail:

'I’m a black man that’s the mayor, but my story is being interpreted by people who don’t look like me. We gotta be honest about that.'

I'll be honest about it. His complaints are puerile, pusillanimous, and pathetic. Crying about being a black man? How about you grow a spine Eric and act like a leader? NYC is literally a hell hole. This is coming from a guy who is less than two months into what will inevitably be yet another disastrous tenure by yet another incompetent NYC mayor. Moreover, this outburst comes on the heels of a video that recently resurfaced online in which Mayor Adams, who is a former police officer, referred to the white policemen in his unit as “crackers.”

Let me just offer my congratulations white Eric Adams voters. Your new mayor has a grudge against white people. He doesn’t like them, and he really can’t hide his disdain for them. He wants to be surrounded by people who look like him. And you white folks just don’t fit the bill. Also, beyond the fact that he is obviously a black identitarian, he had a traumatic experience as a gang member during his teenage years which made him become resentful towards white police officers, and towards white people in general. Isn’t that wonderful? A former gang member as mayor what a wonderful story.

Eric Adams has had a racial grudge against whites ever since his formative years and now he is the most powerful lawmaker in the city of New York. Go figure. Therefore, it is guaranteed that when any major issue comes up that revolves around race, and/or when there are resources, funds, and initiatives being disseminated to NYC residents, Eric Adams will favor black folks. After taking care of his own, he will focus on other non-white people, and then he will leave white people for dead last. Or he may leave white folks out of the picture entirely.

This is the sort of the phenomenon that takes place when you place people who have a deep-seated antipathy towards a certain racial or ethnic group into powerful positions. So don’t expect Eric Adams to govern with impartiality. Even if he says that he will. He won’t even attempt to treat all New Yorkers as “equals.” You can bet on that. You simply cannot elect people like this when you have a multicultural and multi-ethnic society. Doing so causes serious problems.

White New Yorkers who champion this guy, all I have to say to you is congratulations. You made a great choice.

As for me, I have 2 fantastic suggestions for Eric Adams:

1) Shut the hell up and deal with the soaring crime rates in New York City. There are shockingly brutal killings in the city a constant basis thanks to the kinds of policies that people like you and people in your political party espouse. DO YOUR JOB.


2) RESIGN and leave the United States. Go to a country in sub-Saharan Africa. How about Zimbabwe? Apply for citizenship there. Be patient, and then run for public office. When you win, you will get the benefit of being covered by a mostly black media. Just the way you want it. That way you won’t have to cry yourself to sleep every night.


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