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Claudel L.

NYC BAIL LAWS STRIKE AGAIN: Unhinged Savage With a Long Rap Sheet MURDERS Burger King Employee

People in NYC continue to get KILLED and crime is SOARING because it’s RACIST to police the people who commit the most crimes! Winston Glynn should have been in a secure facility somewhere. But he wasn’t! Then he killed someone.

Around 1 a.m. on Sunday, January 9, 2022, Winston Glynn burst into a Burger King on 116th St. and Lexington Ave. in East Harlem, New York demanding cash. He was dressed in all black and armed with a gun. Glynn proceeded to pistol whip a bystander, punch the manager in the face, and fatally shoot the 19-year-old female cashier who had just handed him $100 from the register with the hopes of escaping with her life. The despicable murderer then managed to evade law enforcement for four days before finally being arrested on January 14th.

The victim, Kristal Bayron-Nieves, had just started working at the Burger King and had expressed doubts about working late at night in crime-ridden New York City. Tragically, her fears were well founded. Kristal suffered the terrible misfortune of crossing paths with one of the many beasts currently prowling the streets of the Big Apple and she lost her life because of it. There are maniacs running wild in the rapidly declining metropolis thanks to the soft-on-crime policies being pushed by purple-haired Communist activists, pro-black intellectuals, BLM-sympathizers, race-baiting media pundits, and leftist politicians who believe that criminals and reprobates have the right to avoid jail and prison especially if they are black.

The raving mad Burger King murderer Winston Glynn had frequently been in trouble with the law, with regular run-ins with the police dating back to 2017. Yet he managed to avoid jail or prison time and remained free on the street due to New York City’s lax bail laws. Kristal Bayron-Nieves’ death was the end result of the preposterous amount of leniency granted to Winston Glynn, a repeat offender and a menace who did not deserve to be coddled. In December 2020, Glynn got into a verbal altercation with a man and then proceeded to brutally assault him. Glynn fled the scene and was later arrested and found to be armed with a knife. Glynn received a felony charge of criminal possession of a weapon (no assault charge?) and was let loose shortly afterwards even though it was a felony.

Glynn’s criminal nature was fostered by the apparent lack of consequences for his inappropriate acts akin to how a problem child’s misbehavior tends to escalate when he or she does not get punished for his or her bad behavior right away. Glynn realized that he was going unpunished for his transgressions, so he took advantage of that fact and kept on breaking the law. It's really that simple.

In November 2021, Glynn threatened to stab someone at a homeless shelter with a screwdriver. After his screwdriver stunt, Glynn was slapped with menacing, criminal possession of a weapon, and harassment charges, before being cut loose yet again because his offense was not “bail eligible”. It was outrageous and irresponsible to let a man like that get off scot-free after breaking the law so many times within a short period. Winston’s Glynn’s alarming pattern of violent assaults and threatening people with deadly weapons should have resulted in escalating degrees of punishment for his recidivist tendencies. Instead, Glynn was only met by repeated slaps on the wrists for his frequent misdeeds.

The insouciant and laissez-faire attitude towards Winston Glynn’s constant criminal behavior directly led to the violent death of Kristal Bayron-Nieves at the Burger King in East Harlem. Had Glynn been taken off the street and dealt with appropriately, instead of being viewed as some sort of “oppressed victim of the system”, Kristal would most likely still be alive. He was in need of both psychiatric help and incarceration and he apparently received neither. It was obvious that Glynn was a loose cannon who was unfit to be around other members of society and that he was eventually going to senselessly murder someone, which he ultimately ended up doing.

Winston Glynn was given the liberty and license to murder because of the leftist belief that too many black people are incarcerated. Although that may be true, now that there is a concerted effort to keep black and other non-white people out of jail and prison, violent crime is skyrocketing. Does anyone with basic common sense really believe that allowing the most dangerous members of society the freedom to terrorize the populace is the best strategy for reducing crime? The bloodstained results of that absurd approach in the post-George Floyd era have proven that affording vicious thugs any degree of leniency only leads to increased murder and mayhem.


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