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Claudel L.


Nobody should own a pitbull. Privately owning these dangerous beasts should be ILLEGAL. Not only are they hideous to look at, they are a lethal menace to human beings.

Kyleen Waltman in the hospital after the attack

On March 21st, Kyleen Waltman was walking home in a rural part of South Carolina when out of the blue, she was brutally mauled by three vicious pitbulls. The dastardly dogs chewed into her face leaving her completely unrecognizable. The sadistic monsters tore into both her arms and dug into her skull leaving a sizable hole in the back of her head. The vile and merciless onslaught only came to an end when a neighborhood resident noticed Kyleen being ripped to pieces by the fiendish hounds and fired his pistol into the air, scaring them off. Kyleen was so badly mangled after the pitbulls feasted on her flesh that the man who saved her from certain death didn’t recognize her until deputies came and pulled out her ID card. Before then, he had no idea who she was even though he knew her personally. That’s how dreadful and gruesome the attack was.

How Kyleen looked before getting torn apart by pitbulls

Getting attacked by a pitbull and remaining alive is worse than just dying. The sheer brutality with which these savage beasts mutilate their victims is absolutely sickening. The chilling level of debilitating disfigurement that people have to endure after a pitbull mauling session is both horrifying and heartbreaking to behold.

Since the harrowing incident, Kyleen has had 10 surgeries which include getting her colon removed, receiving a tracheostomy, and having both her arms amputated. When her doctors managed to wake her from the initial coma that she was in and told her that she no longer had arms, she became so distressed that they had to sedate her. Her ghastly injuries have left her disfigured beyond belief. Her family has raised a large sum of money via GoFundMe, but unless they’ve become greedy, they should stop raising funds for the massively mutilated woman. Given the incalculable extent of her injuries, keeping Kyleen alive at this point is inhumane. They should allow her to peacefully pass away. She’s already devastated about losing her arms and she’s going to need more surgery, which may include a leg amputation and the removal of her esophagus. Forcing her to continue her suffering qualifies as cruel and unusual punishment.

Nobody should own a pitbull. No private individual should have one. Pitbulls are one of the most aggressive and lethal animal species on the planet. These vicious and brutal creatures should be monitored on a 24/7 basis by trained staff in special housing facilities. They are simply too dangerous to be kept as normal pets. Just a minor degree of improper handling and training of these ferocious animals can result in horrific consequences for any person who has the misfortune of crossing paths with them. Pitbulls attack human beings at an alarming rate. In the 10 years from 2009 to 2018, pit bulls killed or maimed 3,569 people in the USA and Canada. In the 13-year period from 2005 to 2017, pit bulls killed 284 Americans and accounted for 65.6% of the 408 total recorded American deaths by dogs. Between 1982 and 2014, pitbulls accounted for 57.1% of all human deaths in America and Canada by dogs. Within the same time period, the out-of-control brutes were responsible for 72% of all the maimings committed against humans by dogs in the U.S. and Canada.

Justin Minor, the pathetic owner of the pitbulls, has been arrested and charged with “three counts of owning a dangerous animal that attacked and injured a human, rabies control violation and dangerous animal not permitted beyond premises unless restrained.” His dogs have also been euthanized (thank God). Justin should be facing at least double digit years in prison and nothing less. There is no reason to go easy on him after his “pets” literally and metaphorically destroyed a woman’s life. Kyleen Waltman did not deserve to be eviscerated by those malicious monstrosities last month. Justin is just as guilty as the dogs and he should pay dearly for his crime.

Justin Minor. He looks like a dog too. Maybe he needs to be put down as well.

If pitbull ownership isn’t banned outright, then the people who own these hellhounds ought to face severe penalties for failing to control their disgusting and dangerous dogs.


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