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Claudel L.

#STOPASIANHATE? Okay, Sure. But WHO is Doing the HATING On Them?

Could it be the Klan?

On New Year's Eve, Yao Pan Ma finally succumbed to the severe injuries that he sustained when he got his head stomped during a vicious attack in East Harlem last April. On Wednesday January 12, 2022, an Asian woman walking the streets of NYC was tackled from behind by a large individual, knocking her completely unconscious. On Saturday January 15th, a homeless lunatic fatally pushed an Asian woman named Michelle Alyssa Go in front of a subway train at the Times Square station. Simon Martial, the maniac who pushed the woman to her violent death had the following to say about his crime :

“ Yeah because I'm God,"

He said when asked if he killed Go.

"Yes I did. I'm God, I can do it. She stole my fucking jacket, that's why."

The perpetrators of the aforementioned horrific incidents and many similar ones happen to be from the same racial group. And this particular racial group has been historically known to commit acts of violence against Asians at higher rates than other groups.

A lot of people still have #StopAsianHate picket signs on their lawns. But why exactly? But They aren't actually paying attention to the facts and statistics about who is attacking the Asians. In fact, many of those people believed that putting those signs out in late 2020 would be enough virtue signaling. But are they even aware that after an alarming 124% spike in anti-Asian crimes in 2020, there was an eye-popping 339% spike in those types of offenses in 2021? I bet they have no clue because most of them don't actually take the time to read or analyze the facts. They just believe whatever they're told. Moreover, the rampant assaults and murders are still taking place in 2022. Do those virtue signalers really care, and do they really want solutions? They still have their stupid signs up though.

In crime-infested New York City, Asians are continuing to be brutally attacked by…nope, not white supremacists. The violent criminals who are preying on them in New York City and in other parts of the United States are very often of a certain racial group that definitely isn’t white. This certain demographic of people is currently being treated more leniently by the criminal justice system than other demographics for social justice reasons. And the result of this misguided tolerance is an increased frequency of serious violence perpetrated against Asians.

The explanation as to why Asians are being attacked so often is because they tend to be easy targets for criminals. That’s really all there is to it. And when the police take it easy on the most violent individuals in society and when the justice system refuses to appropriately dole out punishment on those individuals, Asians and other more vulnerable groups are going to suffer because of it.

In the wake of the George Floyd riots, there has been an uptick in violence around the country against Asian people, especially in New York City and Los Angeles. And much of that violence is not always due to the ethnic identity of the victims (although sometimes it certainly is a factor), but often due to the simple fact that they are often easy targets. Elderly Asian women are notoriously oblivious to their surroundings and tend not to be on their guard. For that reason they are frequently assaulted. Asian men with slight builds often can’t fight back against larger, more aggressive, and more heavily muscled assailants, and for that reason they are also victimized with impunity.

This is not an indictment of Asians, nor is it an indictment of the obvious racial background of the people who are attacking and killing Asians the most. It is an indictment of the criminal justice system and the political atmosphere that is allowing this to happen. Violent groups of people need to be dealt with more harshly than less violent groups of people. And if that means that there is going to be some unequal treatment, then so be it. Social justice is not worth the price of having to live in an increasingly dangerous urban hellhole where death is lurking around every corner.


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