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C. Leveille


Boosters urgently needed? Say it ain't so.

While cruising through Quora the other day, I stumbled across this fellow’s page: Mitchell Tsai. I am not sure where he falls on the spectrum of supporting or disapproving of these experimental mRNA shots. However, I saw that he posted a graphic that shows the number of “breakthrough” covid hospitalizations and deaths since July 2021 and I had to examine it to see what the data reported.

When I looked at the chart, I was perturbed, but unfortunately, not surprised by the numbers. I already know that these shots are doing more harm than good. Between September 27th and October 18th, there was an 18% rate of breakthrough deaths among the people who contracted the virus even though they were vaccinated. Between the shorter window of October 11th and October 18th , the rate was 37%. During that week, 37% of the people who were vaccinated and “acquired covid” died from it anyway.

This chart shows that there have been approximately 44,000 of these “breakthrough” deaths and 39,000 - 40,000 of these “breakthrough” hospitalizations (without death) in 2021. This is bad because there are far too many hospitalizations and deaths that are occurring from these so-called breakthroughs, many of which are probably vax side effects.

The number of hospitalizations and deaths has been steadily increasing, and the rate of both of those things has been accelerating. This is extremely concerning.

Relatedly, Mitchell Tsai posted a blurb above the graph itself from someone named “William Ku” who is a PhD lecturer and researcher at Columbia. He apparently posts graphics and other items about the virus and vaccines on his Twitter.

“Boosters are urgently needed!! 10k fully vaccinated Americans have died since July 4. They could have been saved if the CDC had collected and released breakthrough data in a more timely fashion.”

Another braindead Pfizer zombie? I hope not.

I hope that this urgent call for boosters is direct satire from William Ku himself, or indirect satire from Mitchell Tsai. I truly hope Mr. Tsai was being tongue-in-cheek in posting that blurb. I seriously hope Mr. Tsai doesn’t actually agree with what William Ku said here. Also, I really hope that Ku looked at the chart and decided to make the obvious joke that more, and not less, vaccinations are needed.

Let me be clear. Nobody can honestly and rationally look at this data, see that significant numbers of people are dying due to or despite these vaccines, and then recommend more vaxxes. The shots are not saving any lives. Neither here in America, nor globally. As I’ve said many times, they are either inert and useless, or they are dangerous and deadly. I tend to lean towards the latter. We need less of these shots. We need the whole program to end yesterday.


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