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Claudel L.

Vicious BRUTE Shoots And Kills Female Uber Driver After She Begs Him To Spare Her Life

He had no problem brutally killing an innocent mother to four children. The only appropriate punishment for a demon like this is a swift and painful death. He Should Be HANGED immediately.

It was a quarter past 9 p.m. on February 10, 2022. Christina Spicuzza, a 38 year old Uber driver in the greater Pittsburgh area, had no idea that she would soon be dead after picking up a shady looking man by the name of Calvin Crew, 22. At first, all was well. But shortly before reaching the drop-off destination, Crew pulled out a gun, put it to the woman’s head and told her to keep driving. A wife and a mother to four kids, Christina pleaded with her soon-to-be murderer to spare her life. She told him that she had a family. “I’m begging you, I have four kids,” she wailed as she gripped the steering wheel. Calvin did not care. In fact, he had the chillin gall to respond that “[he] [had] a family too” while keeping the steel barrel of the gun at her head. Sensing that the dash cam on her dashboard was probably recording him, the ogre snatched it off of the dashboard and continued to threaten the poor and defenseless woman.

Before I continue describing this horrific crime, just take a second to imagine the sheer terror that Christina must have felt as she drove her car during her final moments, knowing that this animal was not going to let her live. She must have been in a state of absolute despair knowing that she would never see her family, her children, or her fiancé again. Crew eventually shot Christina in the back of the head at point blank range and callously dumped her body in the woods of Monroeville, PA.

Hoping to destroy the evidence, he threw the dash cam onto the street and tossed Spicuzza’s cell phone close to some railroad tracks. Thankfully, detectives were able to retrieve the dash cam with the SD card still inside. They were also able to obtain Spicuzza’s cell phone. Unbeknownst to Crew, the dash cam was still recording his demonic deed even after he took it off of the dashboard. Furthermore, Spicuzza’s cell phone GPS showed her exact location on the night of her death. After reviewing both pieces of evidence, law enforcement quickly found and arrested Crew. He is currently being held without bail at Allegheny County jail. Based on the audio and video on the dash cam alone, there is absolutely no doubt that Calvin Crew was the man behind the trigger.

A subhuman scum like this should be swiftly hanged. A violent thug like him with a juvenile record that was apparently so bad that he was barred from possessing firearms as an adult? Just get rid of him. Sure, let him have his 6th Amendment right to a speedy trial. Emphasis on speedy. He’ll be found guilty because the evidence against him is absolutely overwhelming. And then he can be publicly executed via a noose. The system that we used to have where people who committed heinous crimes were executed almost immediately was far better than the system we have now in which people Crew get to stay alive for far too long. Crew will either feed off of the public dole via life imprisonment or he will feed off of the public dole via a lengthy stay on death row. There is no reason why a person like him should see the light of day so why not just kill him now and get on with it?

Yes I understand the rationale behind the appeals process for people who are condemned to life imprisonment or death because sometimes the justice system makes mistakes and punishes the wrong person. I get that. However, progressive activism is the primary reason why we now have to go through the rigmarole of decades of endless appeals for people who are obviously guilty. In the case of the death penalty, thanks to the fantastic work of progressives, the process of finally executing a person on death row can take several decades. In trying to make the system more equitable for people who may be wrongly accused, progressives have gone too far and turned the process into an expensive joke. Of course I am not surprised about this. It's just annoying and infuriating how progressive policies often lead to utterly absurd outcomes.

Just imagine the pain that Christina's family is going through right now. It really isn’t fair if Crew receives life in prison. Why should he keep his life when he brutally claimed someone else’s life? How could Christina’s friends and family ever experience closure knowing that Crew would be receiving three square meals a day for the rest of his life behind bars? That level of punishment is not enough. He should be put to death. But unfortunately, even if he receives the death penalty, Christina’s friends and family would have to wait 10, 20, or even 30+ years before the brute would finally be put down. Is that fair? No. It’s not fair because during that span of time, some members of the family will pass away. They will never be able to savor the experience of seeing Calvin receive his just deserts for what he did.

Progressive activism on the behalf of vicious criminals like Calvin Crew prevents the friends and family of victims from healing from their grief, sorrow, and anguish. How can Christina’s close friends and family close this nightmarish chapter of their lives if this justice system is going to offer Calvin Crew the mercy that he denied his victim? Keeping a ghoul like Calvin Crew alive on death row would hinder Christina’s loved ones from achieving peace. There is literally no reason why he should be kept alive for an extended period of time. Let him meet his maker as soon as possible.


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