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C. Leveille

After SHILLING the VAX, Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire Sues Over Vax MANDATE

You can't have it both ways. You can't support the coronavirus vax and then get mad about theses mandates.

Here's the report from the Washington Times:

“The Daily Wire, a conservative news site, is challenging the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for private employers by suing in the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit, the company announced Thursday.
The lawsuit argues the federal government violates the Constitution and federal law by requiring private employers to mandate the vaccines for their employees — or else pay for weekly testing.
“The Daily Wire will not comply with President Biden’s tyrannical vaccine mandate, and we are suing the Biden Administration to put a stop to their gross overreach,” said Jeremy Boreing, co-founder and co-CEO of the site.”

The Daily Wire will lose this appeal. The Biden administration has already indicated that they don't give much of a rat's ass about these lawsuits. Come January, the Daily Wire will have to comply. Do you remember how Trump and his team were sending out lawsuit after lawsuit to reverse the stolen election last year? How did that go? It was an exercise in futility. The same can be said about all of these mandate lawsuits being drawn up against the Biden administration. The courts are not going to save the people from the federal government’s vaccine mandates because they have shown themselves time and time again to be on the side of medical tyranny.

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As the co-owner of the Daily Wire (along with Jeremy Boering), Ben Shapiro should be leading the charge in telling the truth about these experimental jabs instead of ignoring, sugarcoating, or obfuscating it. The Daily Wire should have stopped shilling these damn vaccinations a long time ago. If Ben Shapiro from the Daily Wire wanted to legitimately stand up against medical authoritarianism, he would have stood firmly athwart this behemoth last year. But he did not. Shapiro spoke up a bit about the insanity of the lockdowns from an economic standpoint, but that was about it. I’m glad he did that. He also nailed the fact that the masks were largely ineffective and that they didn't stop the spread of the virus. I'm glad he did that as well.

But what Ben really should be doing is exposing the criminal intent behind this entire agenda. All of it. From the forced masking, the forced testing, the forced lockdowns, and the forced vaccinations. He should be discussing how this is all being done to fully collapse society and usher in the Great Reset, which will establish a new social contract that benefits only a narrow slice of society. Shapiro is still treating this situation like a normal crisis that will eventually subside when in reality it is a major paradigm shift that will permanently alter the course of human civilization.

Ben has not adequately addressed just how preposterous this entire agenda is. He maintains that some elements of this new world order program make sense, such as telling elderly people that they need to be inoculated with experimental mRNA, when none of it makes sense. For starters, Ben should be telling his audience that social distancing is a total joke and that it is not being used for health at all. He should be telling them that it is being used for social conditioning for a future dystopian way of life. But he is not doing that. His general attitude indicates that he believes people who have dutifully complied with government overreach should be rewarded for complying with government overreach. Which is obviously an impossibility. Ben seems to be in denial for some reason.

Ben should be speaking out against the mass testing and tracing, which is a disgusting and animalistic way to treat human beings. He has not done that. He should be highlighting that the PCR test is a massive fraud. Ben has not talked about the late Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test. Before he died, Dr. Mullis said that the PCR test is not supposed to be used to diagnose infectious diseases. However, we have observed that the PCR tests have been used to advance medical tyranny worldwide. Ben has not discussed how the PCR test has been used to inflate the Covid-19 case and death numbers in order to advance this virus/vaccination agenda. Why hasn't Ben has not talked about this problem on his show? Millions of followers would have listened to him. Perhaps that may have started a viable resistance movement against this unlawful abuse of government authority.

But worst of all, Ben has been supporting these shots and that is totally unacceptable. Ben endorsed the vaccinations as a gateway out of the pandemic before the vaccines came out and praised Operation Warp Speed. Ben actually seems to continue to think that society is going to go back to normal after a certain amount of people get vaccinated. I don't see how someone like him doesn't see past that obvious fib. When the vaccines came out, he lauded them, pretty much saying that they were great.

He has since maintained that they should be voluntary but if you don't get these rushed and untested shots then that's your problem. Dude, that is not effective resistance. Actually, that is an endorsement of Big Pharma. In fact, Ben has incredulously continued to push the vaccine while he is fighting the vaccine mandate! This is absurd and unreasonable. On November 5th Ben went on "Fox and Friends" and said the following about his lawsuit:

“This is coming from a person who is pro-vaccine. I’m vaccinated, my wife is vaxxed, my parents are vaxxed. I’m very pro-vaccination but this has nothing to do with that.”

Major cringe. Congrats, Ben. I guess?

Of course vaccinations should be voluntary. Who, besides a deranged leftist doesn’t know that? But voluntarism is not the point of this particular global vaccine program. None of this was supposed to be logical. And none of it was supposed to be voluntary. Being vehemently pro-vax about these coronavirus shots does absolutely nothing to delegitimize this naked assault on basic human rights. It only advances the program. Supporting these coronavirus jabs in any way weakens any attempt at putting up a real fight.

The most disappointing thing is that Ben Shapiro has not been as sharp and on the money when it comes to these coronavirus jabs as he usually tends to be with other topics. He usually knows every relevant data point with such immaculate precision that his arguments are almost bulletproof. I don't know if he's willfully ignoring the statistics, but when it comes to the coronavirus vaccines, he doesn't seem to be cognizant of the disturbing data showing how dangerous and ineffective they are. Adverse event monitoring databases in different countries are showing extremely alarming results.

There are millions of people around the world right now who have been maimed beyond repair by these inoculations who would beg to differ with him when he says these jabs are safe and effective. Tens of thousands of people have already died directly because of these shots. This is a crime against humanity. So why does Ben keep saying that they are safe? He keeps praising the vaccines. Is he actually falling victim to the propaganda and really not reviewing and vetting all the available data?

Ben Shapiro knows all there is to know about Israel. Surely he must be seeing the recent data coming out of Israel? Ben was really bullish about the promising results from Israel earlier in the year but that has all changed since. Is he aware that the “efficacy” has dropped precipitously since a few months ago and that they are even considering shot #4? I haven’t seen him talk about that at all. But why not? Is he ignoring it? This is why even though I support the Daily Wire and watch their content regularly, I can’t throw my full support behind the Daily Wire with regards to fighting these mandates.

You can’t support these coronavirus shots and then get upset about the mandates. You have to choose one or the other. There is no middle-of-the-road approach here. Ben and other like-minded conservatives think that they can get away with simultaneously cheering on Big Pharma and then condemning medical tyranny. That is ridiculous. Validating this anti-human agenda in any way is counterproductive. And clearly, Ben and the Daily Wire are starting to understand what happens when you play both sides.

Humanity is facing a Leviathan. At this point, this tyranny will be insurmountable without some kind of black swan event or a mass popular insurrection. The most likely outcome of the covid vaccination agenda is that these shots will be mandatory everywhere, because they are marketed as being “safe and effective” for everyone, without exception. That result is what the UN, the Davos Group, the Vatican, the U.S. government, the vast majority of foreign governments, virtually all the major media companies, and basically all of the big banks want. Unless Shapiro is getting a fat check from the Big Pharma cartel, he should know and understand that stating the obvious point that these shots should theoretically be voluntary has zero impact on the fact that they are being made to be mandatory.

I honestly hope it doesn't happen. But I anticipate that the vaccine mandates will come down like a massive anvil on the temple of the Daily Wire and that they will have to fire people or pay hefty fines. I’d be absolutely stunned if anything other than that happens. On top of that, OSHA is also seriously considering extending this mandate to other businesses that are smaller than 100 employees and the federal government is planning even more punitive measures to force people to take the shots. That is the natural evolution of this entire situation. It will only escalate. This is all happening because good human beings with real power and influence like Ben have been too complacent about this Goliath that is bearing down on all of us. Barring some miracle this is already a fait accompli.


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