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Writer's pictureClaudel


But why hasn't he ever been critical of Blaire White? Or Dave Rubin?

Jeffree Star recently came out against the use of “they/them” pronouns, presumably as a way to signal that even a guy as weird and unorthodox as himself thinks that the left has gone completely mad. But the Daily Wire's Matt Walsh apparently isn't too thrilled about Jeffree's bold stance on pronoun usage. He went off on Star the other day on his Youtube channel, basically saying that Jeffree is too far gone to be taken seriously. Walsh also chastised some conservatives for applauding Jeffree, declaring that the cross-dressing make-up artist is “not on our [the conservatives] side.” Alright, fair enough. But has Matt Walsh ever said anything critical about Blaire White, a transgender female who has said many things that sort of sound conservative, but is still not traditionally conservative in any way? Blaire White has been platformed several times by the Daily Wire, the company that Matt Walsh works for. Matt Walsh portrays himself as being really rugged, tough, and ready for war, but is he willing to put his career on the line for his Christian conservative beliefs? It appears to me that he definitely isn’t willing to do that.

The mainstream American right wing has had a problem with conserving conservatism for a long time. They don’t currently have room for wacky looking LGBT individuals like Jeffree Star, but they do have plenty of room for people who look less off-putting and have the right talking points like Blaire White and Bruce "Caitlyn" Jenner. It’s only a matter of time though, before a person like a Jeffree Star will be considered to be a conservative right-winger. That is because powerful right-wing companies like PragerU and the Daily Wire carefully toe the line to avoid appearing too radical or too offensive. Matt Walsh acknowledged on his show that the Overton Window on the American right keeps shifting more left but he clearly isn't aware that he’s not personally holding the line.

The same phenomenon that is currently occurring in the mainstream right-wing concerning transexuals and drag queens already took place with homosexuals. The right wing rejected flaming and flamboyant homosexuality for a long time, but allowed people like Dave Rubin and Douglas Murray to be the “common-sense” voices of the homosexual movement. Over time, homosexuality became a totally acceptable and even celebrated component of the American right-wing establishment. Matt Walsh didn’t have much to say last year when Dave Rubin and his husband became parents when they “had twins.'' They accomplished that feat by buying the eggs from a female donor, fertilizing it with their sperm, and transplanting the eggs into a surrogate. In short, Dave Rubin became “a father” in a very unnatural and demented way but Bible-thumping “theocratic fascist” Matt Walsh did not outright condemn him. I think Walsh knows that a person like Dave Rubin isn’t the best for an honest and muscular conservative movement, but he believes that would be too risky for him to admit publicly.


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