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Claudel L.

BAIL REFORM-American BEATS Elderly Asian Lady To A BLOODY Pulp

Another day, another attack by the long rap sheet coalition on an Asian-American.

The latest attack took place on Friday, March 11th in Yonkers, NY when a fine gentleman by the name of Tammel Esco approached an elderly 67-year old Asian woman as she was entering her apartment. After calling her an “Asian bitch,” Mr. Esco proceeded to pummel the helpless woman, striking her with a barrage of punches, 125 in total. The Bail Reform-American then entered the next phase of his assault, which featured a full-scale stomping of the badly injured lady. When all was said and done, Tammel “Long Rap Sheet” Esco took a few moments to catch his breath (this was good workout for him), before fleeing the scene. His victim was left with fractured bones in her face and bleeding in her brain.

Asian-Americans, who tend to be liberal and progressive, feel very uncomfortable about talking about who is attacking them most. They know who the perpetrators are, and what they look like, but out of fear of being accused of racism, many of them will still say “we’re getting attacked by everyone.” But they know that it’s not everyone. By and large, it is Bail Reform-Americans who are injuring and killing them. Within the last 2 months, there have been a number of high profile cases coming out of New York City in which Asians have been victimized by Bail Reform-Americans.

In January, 40-year old Michelle Go was killed after being shoved in front of an oncoming train in the Times Square Station. The killer, Simon Martial, said that he did it because he was God.

In February, a 35-year old Christina Lee was returning to her Chinatown apartment while unbeknownst to her, a member of the long rap sheet coalition was silently following her. As she stepped into her apartment, the killer snuck in behind her, stabbed her several times, and left her laying in the bathtub, soaking in her blood.

Last week, another long-rap sheet member randomly started yelling at an Asian woman and then decided to attack her young grand-daughter, who was sitting in a toy wagon. The man grabbed the wagon with the child still in it, shook it, and then flipped it over, causing the child’s head to hit the pavement. The little girl needed five stitches to close the wound.

As we are well aware, law enforcement is currently using kid’s gloves to deal with non-white violent offenders in blue areas like NYC. This leniency has given the most violent group in America a blank check to commit crime. And everyone knows exactly who I’m referring to when I say the most violent group of people in America whether they want to admit it or not.

Asian-Americans are going to have to muster up the courage to shun political correctness and call out the group of people who are harming them the most. That is if they want to face the truth and reduce the violence coming their way. However, if they want to continue to live in denial and turn a blind eye to the source of their woes, then they should not expect any abatement or cessation of the “Asian hate” against them.


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