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Claudel L.

CDC'S Criminal-In-Chief Rochelle Walensky SIGNS OFF On Risky Jabs for KIDS as YOUNG as 6 MONTHS OLD

How much champagne did RocHELLe pop after she did it? The gleeful decision by the psychotic health official comes on the heels of an FDA Advisory Panel giving the "OK" to force these shots on young kids and babies.

It will probably never happen. But this individual should face severe criminal penalties for being the Chief Executor responsible for the suffering and deaths of millions of people

For the past 2 years, it has been repeated over and over again that young children are not at risk of severe illness or death from Covid-19. This has been reiterated numerous times and even the CDC's inflated stats show that to be the case. Even the duplicitous Dr. Scott Gottlieb from Pfizer admitted that young kids barely have any cases. Moreover, the whole asymptomatic transmission threat was debunked a while ago. It is clear that the “emergency use authorization” (EUA) ploy is being used as a smokescreen to rush Pfizer and Moderna's dangerous jabs to the general public. Under the EUA, the product does not have to be proven to be safe or effective, it just needs to potentially be safe and effective. The phrase "emergency use authorization" has been used and abused more than a 1920s hooker in SoHo and now it has lost its narrowly tailored original meaning. This situation is criminally absurd and it is a shame that these deceitful companies are still getting the green light for these "vaxxes." And I’m far from being alone in this sentiment. Even some people at the FDA balked at the idea of accelerating the rollout of these jabs and I'm sure many others who doubt this agenda are keeping their mouths shut on the matter.

There is absolutely zero doubt that the FDA, CDC, and other regulatory bodies are in bed with the vaccine companies and are gleefully abusing the system for financial gain. None of the scientists, investigators, administrators, or chief executives are paying any mind to the safeguards that are supposed to restrain this sort of unlawful and reckless corner-cutting behavior. Throughout this entire saga, the FDA and the CDC and their co-conspirators in the pharmaceutical industry from the top all the way to the bottom have displayed a total disregard for ethics. Whistleblowers such as Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Peter McCullough have exposed this numerous times.

By the way, the safety “trial” that Pfizer is using to push this shot on babies is not complete and they are using a measly two month window of data to "prove" safety and efficacy. This is sloppy and dishonest on its face. Moreover, the investigators lied about the results in order to convince the CDC and the FDA to bring the shots to market. All of this is nothing more than a criminal, maniacal, and ruthless campaign in the pursuit of financial gain at the expense of human health. Scoundrels like Rochelle Walensky are more than willing to have millions of Americans thrown out of work (mandates) or even killed (vaccine side effects) as long as they can see huge dollar signs without any legal repercussions. Even more horrifying is the fact that none of these shots have completed any long-term safety trials. None anywhere. Not even close. And no long-term safety trial will be completed this year. A number of trials are scheduled to be done in 2024 and recruitment for those studies is still ongoing.


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