Tears drawn from the pits of Hades rolled down her haggard mug during her resignation speech as the realization fully hit her that she probably won't get to wield absolute power over human beings again in her life

Finally, some good news in 2023. Jacinda Ardern, one of the most terrible and most cruel Covid-19 despots in the world, is resigning and she couldn’t do so sooner. In late 2021, Ardern gleefully admitted that under her mandatory vaccination plan, New Zealand would turn into a two-tiered society divided between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. Under her program, New Zealand would become an apartheid state in which unvaccinated New Zealanders would lose all of their rights and get treated as subhuman rubbish by fellow citizens in their own country. Even by their own families. The vaccinated would be given preferential treatment over the unvaccinated in every way. Eventually, they would either have to agree to take multiple experimental mRNA shots or starve to death. Fortunately, this diabolical and downright sickening vision of the future didn’t work out in Ardern’s favor because powers higher than her altered the script. I truly hope for the sake of humanity, that a ghoul like her, guilty of numerous human rights violations, never holds public office again.
Under Ardern’s two and a half year medical police state, she made sure that every single citizen was subjected to the dehumanizing and cruel routine of mandatory masking, constant testing, and contact tracing, all of which turned every human being into a potential disease vector and inspired fear, distrust, and panic among the population. Due to draconian social distancing rules, families were forced to say goodbye to their dying relatives remotely. Under her tyrannical regime, several New Zealand hotels were repurposed as quarantine camps overseen by the military for Covid-19 patients and foreign visitors. New Zealanders who "tested positive" for Covid-19 and their close contacts were forced to isolate themselves in those special camps for a minimum of 2 weeks. The quarantine camps didn't stop the virus. They were nothing more than fancy prisons used by the government to psychologically intimidate and abuse people.

From the beginning of the outbreak in March 2020 to October 2021, Ardern’s oppressive regime enforced the incredibly punitive and psychotic “zero-COVID” policy. Under that strategy, the government would completely shut down its borders (even to New Zealanders who were abroad) and enforce brutal lockdowns for weeks at a time if just one case of coronavirus was detected among the population of 5.1 million. In August 2021, the entire country locked down when one case was found. It took all the way until November of 2022 for the regime to finally stop its Covid-19 sadism and none of it was even worth it. All of the masking, the lockdowns, and the forced vaccinations did nothing to “stop” Covid-19.
So why is the tyrant stepping down? According to her, she "had nothing left in the tank.” Yeah, right. She’s just sad and upset that her two and a half year power trip came to an end. For twisted people like Ardern, having that much authority over people must have been like snorting cocaine. Her imperious attitude in her Covid-19 press conferences, especially when she was announcing new lockdowns or mandates, showed that she enjoyed having unchecked authority over millions of New Zealanders. And she had that level of total control for a long time. Sadly for her though, when Covid-19 restrictions were relaxed worldwide, she was forced to return to being a normal head of government. Because of that shift, Ardern couldn't get her cocaine fix anymore. With less centralized power at her disposal, her dark fantasies of being the supreme ruler of a dystopian medical apartheid state populated by obedient slaves came to a crashing end.
How Jacinda must have uncontrollably wept when she realized that much of the world, with the exception of China, was pivoting away from Covid-19 centered authoritarianism. Woe unto a man or woman who gleefully indulges in the subjugation of another! Imagine the gnashing of her teeth, the bulging of her soulless eyes, and the yanking of her straggly hair as her special Covid-19 powers slipped from her grasp. Picture the sweat-soaked bed sheets as the witch spent sleepless nights thrashing about in existential agony, howling in fury at the abyss, and digging her vampiric fangs into her bottom lip, drawing blood. Envision the miserable wench praying at midnight beneath the pale moon, with black tears streaming down her skeletal face and a pair of hooves protruding from beneath her nightgown, begging Lucifer to strike New Zealanders with some deadly plague so that she could once again have god-like dominion over them. It is evident that her prayers were not answered, so the demon had no choice but to resign.
