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Coronavirus Chronicles: Part III: Is Our Government Playing 4D Chess?

Updated: Oct 24, 2021

Almost three months of carefully sculpted lockdowns… and then after Memorial Day… the entire edifice came crashing down. But is there a larger and more powerful structure being created?

Section 1

As protests continue to take place across the country in a hailstorm of civil unrest that this country has not seen for at least half a century, it seems that the government may have overplayed its hand. Or has it? After commanding businesses to shutter their doors, forcing people to stay inside of their homes, and ordering citizens to wear masks, the United States has suddenly descended into a maelstrom of chaos. Anyone who has seen videos of the riots and protests are aware that nobody is “social distancing”, and masks are not being consistently worn. And if they are being worn, it is typically not exactly for disease prevention. So what the hell is going on? The coronavirus pandemic protocols are by all estimations dead letter. How can anyone take them seriously anymore after all of this mayhem and disorder? It is evident that if the coronavirus was actually the terrible scourge that people in power claimed that it was, then the government would have acted decisively to ensure that the protesting and rioting would not spiral out of control to avoid an enormous spike in cases. If the coronavirus truly posed an apocalyptic threat to society, then there is no way that people like Tim Walz, the Minnesota governor, would have called up the National Guard only to have them on stand-by as rioters stormed through Minneapolis and burned a police precinct burned to the ground. Right?

Au contraire, what we have seen is the downplaying of what was supposed to be the most serious virus of our lifetimes in favor of the utmost concern for “racial justice.” In fact, the attention to racial inequality has been so pressing that some jurisdictions in Massachusetts and Ohio have actually categorized racism as a “public health crisis.” That’s right. Racism is officially an infectious disease that requires a vaccine or medical cure. I wish that I could say that I am joking, but I’m not. But the story gets even better. In early June, 1200 of the country’s most renowned public health “experts” published a letter calling outdoor mass gatherings such as the demonstrations for George Floyd as “vital to the national public health and to the threatened health specifically of Black people.” I will try not to laugh too hard, but what they effectively say in the letter is that protesting racism and police brutality is more helpful for the health of black people than reducing the risk of spreading CoVid-19 through the general population. I’ll be honest, I actually laughed pretty hard. This is what the “experts” are saying ladies and gentlemen. Does anyone seriously believe their nakedly preposterous claim? Hopefully not. Even a rambunctious toddler would scoff at such a deliberate denial of basic science in the name of “social justice.”

Section 2

Just a few weeks ago, the “experts” were claiming that the virus was impacting black people worse than anyone else. Obviously, a contagious virus does not magically disappear from the ether based on how a group of people feel about a particular issue. Throwing the black power fist in the air and marching for police reform does not block the Sars-Cov-2 virus from being transmitted from person-to-person. This basic fact should be self-evident. But clearly the “experts,” do not agree because they are not really experts. They are really racial justice zealots who happen to have day jobs as scientists. That is all there is to it. There is no way that the riots would have been allowed to carry on for as long as they have if CoVid-19 was still public enemy number one.

This is not to say that the disease is a total farce, of course. The virus is real, but no “expert” knows exactly how it works, and nobody knows how many people really died from it because case counting has been wildly inconsistent, inaccurate, and very dishonest. The truth of the matter is that since the lockdowns began in March, the people who run the government have tried to make citizens move in lockstep and behave with total docility like church mice. For some reason, they seem to have expected that the American people would listen to every little guideline they handed down, and to follow all the rules that they laid out. On top of that, they seem to have believed that the American people would agree to twiddle their thumbs indefinitely until the government arbitrarily chose to give them their lives back, with stipulations. No, no, no, the government cooed, getting back to normal would be too dangerous, you can’t do that. It would be safer not to return to normalcy, but instead, to enter into a “new normal.” As the diabolical and maniacal Bill Gates casually said only two months ago, “We may not get back to normal until we get a vaccine.”

Section 3

Was the U.S. government ever truly confident that its citizens would not push back on an unprecedented and prolonged rollback of civil liberties? Did the U.S. government really believe that in a country with a highly diverse and independent population of people, some of whom are fierce law-abiding freedom lovers, some of whom are dedicated workers who derive their self-esteem and livelihood from gainful employment, and others who are lawless criminals, that they would be able to maintain an artificial dystopia for months on end? Something tells me that they could not have possibly been that naïve.

But if the government ever really believed that they could maintain total control over the population in the manner that it attempted to do for the coronavirus, then that notion has literally gone up in flames over the past few weeks. All that it took was the highly publicized death of a black man in police custody to make a mess of the government’s perfectly manicured garden. It does not seem as though the government was prepared for widespread riots in the middle of a pandemic. I believe that many political actors may have figured that the people would be too scared to go out into the streets. Well, clearly that has not been the case. Maybe they should have tried harder to instill a bit more fear. Or maybe they should have fudged the numbers a little bit more and reported several thousand more CoVid cases in order to beat the collective spirit of the people into submission.

Then again, maybe the new atmosphere has been part of a master plan? Maybe the coronavirus was just the warm-up. Maybe the people who are truly in power (and this goes beyond just the visible actors) are actually playing a sophisticated game of 4D chess. Perhaps the populace is still under their total control and they are allowing the people to think that they are not. Perhaps they deliberately created the ingredients for the perfect storm by reducing people’s daily activities, limiting their incomes, restricting their rights, creating an atmosphere of virus hysteria, and then topping it all off by throwing a racially charged event into the mix as the final piece. It is definitely possible that they aim to create a climate of racial tension and socio-political unrest to push some unknown evil agenda. That is indubitably within the realm of possibility. I would never underestimate the visible and invisible people who run this country and who run the entire world. Although I still believe that the U.S. government as a whole has overplayed its hand to a degree, I would not doubt that there are probably powerful elements within the government apparatus and powerful elements outside of it who are in favor of ethnic conflict and the sort of political and social destabilization that we are seeing now for whatever goal that they might have.

What does seem to be less ambiguous though, is that political games are being played. This assertion is evidenced by the fact that the coronavirus pandemic seemingly exists in a state of quantum flux. It exists and it doesn’t exist, based on the nature of the social and political climate at any given time. For instance, it absolutely exists if there is a gathering of conservatives to protest pandemic lockdowns or to attend a Trump rally. In those cases, the virus is an existential threat and holding such events is irresponsible and dangerous for public health. Conversely, if there is a meeting of Black Lives Matter protesters, or even a group of Antifa/BLM operatives who want to establish their own commune with separate laws, then the coronavirus is an afterthought. The virus does not exist in those circumstances. The truth is that much of the discussion concerning the virus and how it has impacted society has been politically and ideologically distorted and skewed, mostly in favor of left-leaning ideologues. Without a shadow of a doubt, politics has been at the center of the discussion over the coronavirus and it will continue to drive the narrative in favor of whichever ideology has the upper-hand in creating and disseminating the stories about it.

I could interminably lambaste the diabolical machinations of our government, but alas, it is time to conclude this discussion by commenting on the current state of affairs. There are tens of millions of law-abiding Americans who are out of work and cannot even enter a store without a mask on. Meanwhile, dangerous hooligans without masks have tacit permission to smash windows and take flat screen TVs free of charge from department stores across the country. How in heaven is that fair? Hard-working taxpayers have to sit and wait for the government to give them permission to live like normal human beings but that very same government “permits” lawless behavior to take place in the middle of a pandemic? Seriously? For three months, business owners waited patiently for pampered bureaucrats and nerdy scientists to release 10 page PDF documents with convoluted and highly cumbersome guidelines and procedures which would permit them to restart their businesses. Then, those same people had to watch in horror as their chain restaurants, supermarkets, pharmacies, clothing shops, and more were plundered and burned to the ground while the police stood by and watched. What kind of backwards nonsense is that? We are actually living in the twilight zone. This episode has been a shame for America as a country and it has been a despicable failure by the people who claim to be American leaders. As this debacle continues to unfold, I find myself asking the following: What exactly has America turned into, what is it turning into, and who is really in charge?

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