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Coronavirus Chronicles: Part IV: Information Suppression, Confusion Over Masks, And Flagrant Hypocri

Updated: Oct 24, 2021

Our “OverLords” Are Tossing Veil After Veil Over the Increasingly Elusive Truth

The coronavirus pandemic has caused harm beyond just health and economics. It has resulted in even greater big tech censorship and encroachments on free speech. Numerous scientists who have disagreed with people like Dr. Fauci on how to handle the pandemic have been censored or blackballed. Sites like Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook have warned users against posting what they call “misinformation.” Twitter has been adding “fact-check” labels to certain tweets, and Facebook has been providing links to “correct” and “accurate” information about certain topics concerning the pandemic. People who have challenged the mainstream narrative by offering tantalizingly compelling arguments such as David Icke or Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai have been shadow banned or kicked off of Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. People who have posted “conspiracy theories” on social media platforms have been flagged and have their accounts deleted. For example, people like Dr. Judy Mikovits who said that masks may not be necessarily effective have been branded as conspiracy theorists.

Mixed Messaging From the WHO and the CDC About Masks

So honest debate has been suppressed by big tech yet the top two health organizations in the world do not even agree about the effectiveness of masks. A few months ago, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) was vociferously against widespread mask wearing. At the time, the CDC announced that masks did not necessarily protect against airborne disease particles, and that only people who were evidently sick should wear them. They also emphasized that healthcare workers needed the masks most of all and that masks and other similar materials should be reserved for those people. The World Health Organization (WHO) had a roughly similar stance at the time, echoing that only people who were sick should wear face masks, and that they do not have to wear one unless they were caring for someone who was sick.

Then out of the blue, the CDC drastically changed its tune on face coverings in early April and highly recommended that all Americans wear masks in public. Meanwhile, the WHO has largely maintained its earlier conservative position on the matter. The WHO still asserts in its technical guidance pamphlet that “At the present time, the widespread use of masks by healthy people in the community setting is not yet supported by high quality or direct scientific evidence and there are potential benefits and harms to consider.” Now isn’t that something! The organization only slightly altered its stance in early June when WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros announced that people “should wear fabric masks when social distancing is not possible.”

So given this disconnect between the two health giants, you might be asking yourself: What was the evidence for the huge shift in the CDC’s stance on masks? Apparently, not too much. Just a few studies that indicated that masks might be helpful were seriously examined. No unequivocal scientific dogma, no incontrovertible facts. Just a hunch. As Dr. Saskia Popescu, a senior Infection Preventionist said, “the quality of the research on this topic [masks] is weak, with a lot of small, underpowered studies. There’s not this overwhelming body of evidence that says that’s exactly what we should be doing right now.” Since we are being mandated to wear masks, shouldn’t there be a consensus on this issue? There isn’t one because the whole exercise is a sham. The government only gives out “approved” information in order to maintain domination over civilians. The point is to abolish free thinking. That is all there is to it.

As Dr. Popescu and other researchers have pointed out, the evidence for wearing masks to prevent CoVid-19 is not overwhelmingly strong, and health recommendations concerning mask usage keeps on changing. However, average people are not allowed to have an opposing opinion on the Internet and on social media about whether masks are truly helpful? Who the hell is supposed to trusted and which authority gets to decide who is allowed to speak out? Should people trust the WHO even though the organization has been proven to provide false and fraudulent information in favor of the Chinese government concerning the coronavirus? That is a rhetorical question, of course.

The WHO and the CDC are not on the same page on the efficacy of masks, but when private citizens or certain public officials offer their unique perspectives on the matter they get censored! What do Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google, and other similar companies know about the virus that the general population does not know? They openly besmirch alternative and non-mainstream ideas and opinions on the pandemic by labeling them as “misinformation” and “disinformation.” Shadowy arbiters at those companies have the unmitigated power to decide what qualifies to be shared in the public square. But why? Why did that happen? Why has there been such a need to eliminate lawful dissent in the United States of America? The only reason why anyone would be so eager to censor dissenting opinions is that deep down they know that their ideas are flimsy or tenuous. We really have no right to criticize Communist China when we behave like this. How are we any different from the Chinese Communists who literally killed their whistleblowers and censored all forms of opposition to their coronavirus narrative? We have become pathetic.

World Leaders Don’t Even Follow Their Own Rules

Anyhow, demanding that 330 million-plus people to wear masks in public for months on end is not by feasible by any stretch of the imagination. How can the supply of masks be maintained for that long, especially for people who really need them like healthcare professionals and genuinely sick patients? The ugly truth is plain to see. Our leaders are often shown not wearing masks when they are out in public. Global decision-makers have consistently shown themselves to be conspicuously unperturbed and unintimidated by the pandemic. Many of them continue to gallivant about despite travel restrictions, wear face masks very inconsistently, and visibly flout the “social distancing” that they preach about. US President Donald Trump has only been spotted with a mask on once, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin invited his son over for Passover in blatant violation of Israeli government restrictions on travel for family gatherings, and New Zealand’s health minister David Clark was stripped of some of his responsibilities after it was revealed that he had defied his own lockdown measures by driving 12 miles to the beach to take a walk with his family. There are countless more examples (far more than can be listed here) of paradoxical behavior from world leadership that contravene their rhetoric about the extreme precautions that private citizens should be taking.


It is quite plausible that the American people, and people of other countries have been fooled, hoodwinked, and deceived by their leaders. And not only have they been played by the government, they have even turned on each other in the process, calling the cops on people for not wearing masks. You really can’t write a better comedy. Surely, the people in power must have been laughing hysterically for the past few months at how truly dumb their mindless subjects have shown themselves to be.

In reality, people should have the freedom to choose whether or not they will wear masks to protect themselves given what we have learned about the virus over the past six months. The strict policy of “no mask, no service” that is being practiced by various businesses across the country like supermarkets and pharmacies places restrictions on civil liberties that is simply unjust. People should wear gloves if they want, stay indoors if they want, and of course, practice good hygiene like any person should. Citizens should protect and isolate the elderly and the immunocompromised by using common sense disease prevention methods. People should try to eat well, take vitamins, get some Sun, and live an active life. Forget the strange “new” normal. Let’s get back to somewhere closer to actual normal.

Much of the action surrounding this pandemic has been a politicized game and the dangerous nonsense should end now. In New York City, De Blasio’s eerie “contact tracer” team has been asked not to ask anyone who has tested positive for the coronavirus whether they recently attended a protest. Of course, that is being done to protect BLM’ers and the like. But that is terribly unfair and it makes no sense since it defeats the primary purpose of investigating coronavirus infections. But clearly, having the correct political ideology exempts certain people from having to follow the same rules that other individuals have to follow. Whatever happened to equal justice under the law? The curtain has been lifted and the government’s performance art has been put on full display. The widespread protests and riots have totally exposed what the elites are trying to do. Not only have they mishandled a public health emergency, but they have manufactured the purposeful destruction of American life. It is time to take the country back. Ladies and gentlemen, it is time to end the charade.

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