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Claudel L.

Darrell Brooks' TERRORIST Rampage in Waukesha was RACIALLY and POLITICALLY motivated

I'm just stating the obvious, man.

On November 21, 2021, career criminal Darrell Brooks Jr. intentionally drove his SUV into a crowd of people enjoying a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin killing 6 people and wounding 62. Brooks chose to commit mass murder that day. It was no accident and he wasn't "fleeing" from anything. Let's just end the debate now. Footage from the tragedy shows that Brooks deliberately made his way through the crowd in a zig-zag pattern and purposely maneuvered his vehicle into innocent people rather than turning his vehicle to avoid them. The criminal complaint from the deadly attack reported that Brooks accelerated as he started to get closer to the parade spectators. According to the report, one of the officers on the scene, named “Officer Butryn,” said that he observed the vehicle “intentionally moving from side to side, striking multiple people.” What more do we need to know?

I have no reason to doubt that Darrell's terroristic actions in Waukesha were racially and politically motivated. Darrell proudly displayed his hatred for white people on his social media for several years. He really hated white people a lot. Brooks went by his stupid rap name “MathBoi Fly” on his Facebook. For some reason, I highly doubt he is any good at mathematics. In June 2020, shortly after the death of George Floyd, one of his posts fiercely advocated for violence against whites. It read: “LEARNED ND TAUGHT BEHAVIOR!! so when we start bakk knokkin white people TF out ion wanna hear it...the old white ppl 2, KNOKK DEM TF OUT!! PERIOD.”

Darrell also views white people as “the enemy.” Here is his post espousing that:

Brooks is also a fervent supporter of the radical anti-white Marxist group, BLM and he also despises police and associates them with “white supremacy. “ In one of his posts, he has a police car adorned with a KKK hood and regalia, along with a Confederate flag.

Beyond that somewhat hilarious police car photo, Mr. MathBoi Fly had several other posts about how much he hated police officers. But on an even weirder note, Brooks even had the cojones to post a graphic with a fake quote from Adolf Hitler alleging that black people are the true children of Israel. Sorry, but I laughed when I saw that one. You can look it up if you want. On top of everything else wrong with him, he is also one of the loon bags who believes that BLACKS are the REAL Jews.

Is it hard to imagine that a guy like this, a racist black nationalist, actually followed through with his violent online sentiments and physically hurt white people in real life? That's not too far-fetched, now is it?

Given his antipathy for white people, it is logical to conclude that Brooks purposely drove his SUV into a parade full of the white folks in order to kill as many of them as possible. Certainly, it can be argued that Brooks had a psychotic break with reality in the hours and moments preceding the attack and suddenly went homicidally insane. That possibility is going to be examined during his trial. But as a civilian with common sense, I can surmise Brooks certainly knew what demographic of people he was driving into. Especially since it was not his first time in Waukesha. The woman that he had a "domestic dispute" with on the day of the massacre apparently lives in Waukesha, and she told reporters that she has fights with him in front of her house on a regular basis. And based on what he posted on his social media, it is clear that he has nothing but disdain for white people.

Darrell Brooks rammed his car through the parade 2 days after the Kyle Rittenhouse decision was reached and Rittenhouse was acquitted on all counts. I don’t think that's coincidental. Darrell Brooks was probably very upset about the verdict and wanted to knock some white people “tf out” as he threatened to do last year. The mainstream press lied incessantly about Kyle Rittenhouse and convinced gullible and racist people like Brooks that “white supremacy” was behind everything that Kyle did. The usual suspects like CNN, MSNBC, and the Washington Post portrayed him as a white supremacist vigilante who went out of his way to hunt down BLM-supporters with a rifle and had the nerve to shoot 3 of them, 2 fatally.

The media crafted a racially charged narrative around the Kyle Rittenhouse saga that really had nothing to do with the actual situation. Because of those lies, it is plausible that a harebrained, racist career criminal like Darrell Brooks would be one of the first people to believe that America’s "white supremacist" justice system had freed yet another bigot. A black nationalist clown like Brooks would be one of the first fools to consume that sort of low-hanging fruit and then act out on his rage.

The 6 charges of 1st Degree Intentional Homicide against him are appropriate because they clearly establish that he had the intent to kill. In an ideal society, Brooks would be hung already and that would be the end of it.


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