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Claudel L.

Don't Get Your Hopes Up: 8 REASONS Why I DO NOT Trust the UK’s About-Face on Covid Tyranny

(Reasons 1-3)

Reason 1: British leaders have NOT apologized for the damage they have wrought upon the British public

Has any major political, medical, or financial figure in the UK come out and apologized for the pain and suffering that the draconian measures have inflicted on the lives of countless British citizens? Have they offered a mea culpa for waging a war against the core principles of liberal democracy and violating basic human rights and freedoms? Have they apologized for the actions of morally bereft UK health officials and politicians who flouted the very same covid dictates that they themselves created and imposed? Have they apologized for keeping family members apart even in the case of sickness and death? Have they admitted that they’ve repeatedly lied to the public about the efficacy of masks?

Have they gotten down on their knees and begged for forgiveness for injuring and killing thousands upon thousands of people while overfilling the coffers of Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, and AstraZeneca? Have they asked for forgiveness for vaccinating and poisoning young children who absolutely do not need to be taking these experimental shots?

Have they restored fired employees to their jobs? Have they apologized for directly causing depression, anxiety, drug overdoses, and suicides? Have they apologized for deliberately increasing the wealth gap between the rich and the poor? Have they apologized for destroying the supply chain and increasing inflation? Have they apologized for preventing people from getting proper exercise? Have they apologized for withholding life-saving and low-cost treatments such as Ivermectin, HCQ, and Azithromycin just to satisfy big Pharma?

They’ve actually done none of these things, which is why I am not overly excited over the lifting of the coronavirus restrictions in the UK.


Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s premiership is in the throes of an explosive ongoing political scandal known as “Partygate.” Apparently, Johnson and a number of other prominent government officials enjoyed multiple booze-filled parties at the very same time that they were imposing severe Covid restrictions on the British public. In the middle of the first national lockdown in May 2020, Johnson and company went to a “Bring Your Own Beer” celebration in the Downing Street garden. Throughout 2020 and 2021, British elite officials attended several other festive gatherings while the British people were unable to see family and friends, unable to go to work, unable to go to the pub, unable to walk outside without a mask, and unable to pay their final respects to dying loved ones. Even more despicably, members of Johnson's staff and other British bigwigs had the gall to throw a “raucous” party on Downing Street on the eve of Prince Phillip’s funeral. The Queen of England cut a tear-jerking figure the next morning as she sat alone in the pews while many other members of the government were absent, presumably because they were too hung over to attend.

These reports of blatant hypocrisy and outright misconduct by British leadership, which first started circulating in early December, are having major political ramifications for Boris Johnson's Conservative Party. The Liberal Democrats roundly defeated the Conservatives by a margin of 34% in a special election (by-election) in the North Shropshire constituency just last month. In 2019, the Conservatives had won the same region with a 31% difference. The massive swing in percentage points between the parties was the seventh largest in United Kingdom by-election history. The results from North Shropshire portend a weakening of the Conservative majority in the British Parliament in upcoming elections. Beyond the massive North Shropshire election loss, Johnson's Partygate debacle is having a very negative impact on the Tories in the polls. If Boris Johnson is viewed as the root cause of these problems, then the Conservatives may decide to replace him.

Therefore, I am convinced that Johnson decided to announce the lifting of Plan B Covid rules in England to garner some support and prevent himself from being ousted from his premiership. Now that Boorish Boris has been exposed as the charlatan and fraud that he is, he is starting to feel the heat from Tory rebels who have been pressuring him for a while to cease his unrelenting Covid tyranny and to admit to the British public that he is unfit to lead. In December, 99 Conservative MPs opposed Johnson’s plan to introduce vaccination passes and to tighten mask-wearing rules. It was the largest amount of party resistance that Johnson had ever faced during his tenure as Prime Minister. Moreover, a few Tory MPs have already privately met to discuss the possibility of a no-confidence vote to remove Johnson from office. With a damning and potentially career-ending report by Partygate investigator Sue Gray looming, Boris and his supporters are fully aware that his political career is teetering.

Given the current political climate in the UK, dropping the Build Back Better agenda in the UK for now seems to be more of an act of political expediency than an act of contrition for destroying the livelihoods of millions of British people via despotic Covid regulations and forced vaccinations. Thousands of Brits have been tirelessly marching and protesting against the lockdowns and mandates for months on end to no avail. The government did not feel threatened by the demonstrations, and quite frankly, the elites paid them no mind. This abrupt change of heart that we are observing is due to the fact that the elites themselves are jostling for control for the direction in which they want the country to go in. The change in course has very little to do with what the citizens actually want. Now of course it is an encouraging sign that there is some pushback in Parliament against the Covid agenda by Conservative MPs. But if this program is to be permanently halted, it will have to be a bottoms-up grassroots movement that will defy and crush the globalist directed totalitarian takeover of human society and reflect the true will of the people.

Reason 3: The UK HAS NOT lifted the vaccination mandate for NHS (National Health Service) workers nor has the UK banned private businesses from enforcing vaccine passports

While the UK government did agree to lift the mask mandates on schoolchildren, vaccine passports, social distancing rules, testing requirements, and more, the government is still allowing private businesses to require proof of vaccination if they want. In his address to Parliament, Johnson said: "Organizations can, of course, choose to use the NHS Covid Pass voluntarily but we will end the compulsory use of Covid status certification in England." This overlooked but crucial detail is concerning because if the UK was genuinely returning to normalcy, then the government would not think twice about preventing private companies from arbitrarily and unjustly discriminating against the “unvaccinated.”

Additionally, the UK did not lift the vaccination mandate for NHS healthcare workers. In a true return to the pre-Covid era, the government would not continue to abuse medical professionals by pushing them to receive untested, ineffective, and dangerous pharmaceutical products. At this moment, all 70,000 unvaccinated healthcare workers have to take both doses of their poison by April 1st or risk being fired. And to add insult to injury, they must get their first dose by February 3 in order to be compliant with the mandate, which means that they do not have much time left.

The Johnson-led government is allegedly mulling over whether it will enforce that NHS vaccination requirement or not. But there is absolutely nothing to “think over.” If respect for human freedom and recognition of basic human rights are the main drivers behind the scrapping of the UK coronavirus program, then lifting the healthcare worker jab mandate should be a no-brainer. The good news is that apparently there are “several Tory MPs vigorously opposed to the compulsory vaccination plan for NHS staff.” That means that Boris Johnson may end up caving on this issue to avoid a no-confidence vote and removal from office, which would be a lucky break for the NHS workers.

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