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Claudel L.

Don't Get Your Hopes Up: 8 REASONS Why I DO NOT Trust the UK’s About-Face on Covid Tyranny

(Reasons 4 & 5)

Reason 4: The super elites are discussing ways to conquer the planet and the UK is NOT exempt from those plans

World Economic Forum (WEF) globalist mastermind Klaus Schwab recently hosted the Davos Agenda 2022, a virtual summit that took place from January 17-21, 2022. The highly publicized event, which featured a cavalcade of rich and powerful heads of state and government, CEOs, and other global elites, was centered around the UN Agenda 2030 for climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic response, global economic recovery, technological innovation and global collaboration. Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission, made it particularly clear that she wants the great leap forward that mankind will be taking during the Fourth Industrial Revolution to originate from a totally unified Europe, which will obviously include Great Britain.

It goes without saying that these people are heavily pushing the UN 2030 Agenda of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (14 of which include mass vaccination) and there is no reason to believe that Great Britain is somehow exempt from it. Ursula von der Leyen did not mince words when she said that she wants every European nation to be moving in lockstep towards a net zero carbon future. The discussions that took place at the Davos summit only reinforce the obvious fact that the ruling class views the Covid-19 as an effective way to drastically shift the world economy towards green energy and to fundamentally change the way that people are governed. They believe that the pandemic will help them to create the necessary infrastructure to control the human population indefinitely. And they have already started to do just that. For instance, the implementation of QR codes and apps to track and trace people will help them in the future to monitor everyone’s activities and force people to reduce their carbon footprint.

The ruling elites don’t have much time before 2030 and they want to reach net zero carbon production by 2050. This timetable requires dramatic action, which is why they are urging the human population to cooperate with pedantic and oppressive top-down leadership. Climate lockdowns are going to be needed to accomplish their ambitious anti-human agenda and the Covid-19 lockdowns are effective drills for that. We are only 2 years into this dystopian program, but the ruling class already know what works and what does not work when it comes to clamping down on formerly “free” societies.

I will also add that the globalists are not obsessed with just the Earth’s climate. They are also fixated on trans-humanism (merging man with machines). Most people are well aware that people like Elon Musk have plans to use microchips to modify human behavior and perception. The super elites know that in order to pursue their trans-humanist experiments, the general population has to get comfortable with being test subjects without fully understanding exactly why. The vaccination agenda is giving them the chance to observe just how easily they can perform mass human experimentation without any serious consequences. The current mRNA vaccinations are actually a good testing ground for observing the compatibility of the human body with nano-bots (the mRNA vaccines utilize nanotechnology). This is important for the New World Order conspiracy because the future of merging man with machines requires compliance from the human population to receive all kinds of investigational nanotechnologies and whatever else. If you think that I’m kidding about this, just read or look up The Fourth Industrial Revolution by Klaus Schwab.

Reason 5: The UK government is still permitting PRIVATE businesses to ENFORCE the vaccination mandate AND the government DID NOT lift the mandate for NHS workers

While the UK government agreed to lift the mask mandates on schoolchildren, vaccine passports, social distancing rules, testing requirements, and more, it is still permitting private businesses to require proof of vaccination. During his address to the British Parliament on January 19th, Boris Johnson noted that, "Organizations can, of course, choose to use the NHS Covid Pass voluntarily but we will end the compulsory use of Covid status certification in England." This crucial but overlooked detail is extremely concerning because if the UK was honestly returning to normalcy, then the government would not think twice about preventing private companies from arbitrarily and unjustly discriminating against the “unvaccinated.” This sneaky provision ensures that the insidious vaccination campaign can proceed, albeit less noticeably, in the private sector, effectively undermining the purported lifting of the restrictions by the British Parliament.

Furthermore, the UK did not lift the vaccination mandate for NHS healthcare workers. In a legitimate return to pre-Covid norms, the government would not continue to violate the basic human rights of medical professionals by forcing them to receive untested, ineffective, and dangerous "vaccines." At this moment, all 70,000 unvaccinated healthcare workers have to receive both doses of their inoculations by April 1st or risk being fired. And to add insult to injury, they must take their first dose by February 3 in order to be compliant with the mandate, which means that there is not much time left. The Johnson-led government is allegedly mulling over whether it will enforce that NHS vaccination mandate or not. But there is absolutely nothing to think over. If respect for human freedom and recognition of basic human rights are the main drivers behind the downscaling of the UK coronavirus program, then liberating NHS workers from the vaccination mandate should be a no-brainer. The good news is that there are apparently “several Tory MPs vigorously opposed to the compulsory vaccination plan for NHS staff.” That means that Boris Johnson may end up caving on this issue in order to avoid a no-confidence vote and removal from office, which would certainly be a heaven-sent reprieve for thousands of NHS workers.


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