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Claudel L.

Don't Get Your Hopes Up: 8 REASONS Why I DO NOT Trust the UK’s About-Face on Covid Tyranny

(Reasons 6-8)

Reason 6: The government cited a "reduction in Omicron cases" and a successful "booster campaign" as the primary triggers for lifting restrictions.

The UK government cited a “reduction in Omicron cases, hospitalizations, and deaths” and a successful "booster jab" campaign as the primary reasons for the abrupt abandonment of its undemocratic Covid regulations. The framing of the motivation behind the loosening of restrictions is very problematic. By crediting the vaccinations, the boosters, and the various Covid restrictions, the UK authoritarians are in fact congratulating themselves for oppressing the British people. To anyone who isn't still dumbfounded and naive, this type of framing is not acceptable. Sajid Javid, the UK Health Secretary, even said the following about Boris Johnson's decision to lift the mandates:

The central decision that he made which was to absolutely focus on boosters has been vindicated. That is the main reason that we are where we are today because the Prime Minister made those decisions.

What does Mr. Javid's statement tell you? It tells you that the Prime Minister and his coterie were just patting themselves on the back for a job well done when they announced that the restrictions were being rolled back. It tells you that the UK tyrants aren't lifting the mandates because they feel bad for what they have done to the British people. They are lifting them because they decided that they have sufficiently dominated and demoralized the citizenry up until this point. They believe that they currently have the latitude to take a brief respite without losing much momentum in the Build Back Better program. That's all it is.

But beyond the problematic framing of the issue, what will happen if cases start rising again? And what will happen if a new “variant” appears? Will the government throw the populace into a panic again and then reluctantly bring back the Covid protocols? And what will happen if the regime doesn't think that enough people got vaccinated between now and the next “variant?” Will the regime blame the British public for not “doing their part,” as they’ve done repeatedly over the past 2 years? Well, of course they will. The track record of the UK government and a number of other governments around the world suggests that they will not hesitate to re-impose restrictions after they determine that the "unvaccinated," or the "unboosted" have caused yet another crisis.

Reason 7: The Covid dictators are winning the numbers game

It should also be noted that freedom lovers are losing the numbers game. Over 80% of the British population aged 12 and over have already been double jabbed. And more than 60% of the 12 and over population have received a booster. These percentages mean that the UK government feels confident in pausing the vaccination push for now because the elites are winning the numbers game. The threats, the propaganda, and the terror campaign have been quite successful in convincing the British people to get jabbed. As a result, there aren’t that many non-vaccinated holdouts left. Due to the fact that the most hardcore resistors have been whittled down to a relatively small minority, the Build Back Better agenda has a very high chance of succeeding. This is very bad news for freedom lovers and people who want to oppose the program entirely. A lot of Brits have already submitted themselves to the New World Order. How many of them will courageously stand up when the government decides to re-impose restrictions?

Reason 8: The UK has ALREADY purchased Moderna and Pfizer jabs for 2022 AND 2023 and has already "prepared" for "variants"

The UK bought 60 million Moderna jabs and 54 million Pfizer-BioNTech doses just over one month ago. The plan is that those vaccinations will be delivered this year, 2022, and next year, 2023. Moreover, the deal that the UK struck “gives Britain access to any modified vaccinations if they are needed to combat omicron or any subsequent new variant. And it gets even worse. The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) stated that the most recent Moderna and Pfizer deals were in addition to 35 million additional doses of Pfizer already ordered in August 2021, for delivery in the “second half of next year [2022].” And it gets even worse than worse. The UK government has already paid for 60 million Novavax and 7.5 million GSK-Sanofi coronavirus vaccine doses, which are expected to be delivered “at some point in 2022.”

To be frank, there is zero financial incentive for the UK government to stop pushing the Covid-19 pandemic narrative with its vicious mandates and its total annihilation of the notion of liberal democracy. After spending billions of dollars of taxpayer money on those products, why would the British government stop the program? The government is not going to waste all of those vials. I mean come on. Those shots are going to end up in someone’s arms by hook or by crook. In theory, the British government could donate some extra shots to Third World countries or something like that but the UK government is already committed to the domestic use of their purchase. Sajid Javid, the UK Health Secretary, asserted the following about the acquisition of all those vaccines:

It will future proof the great British vaccination effort … and will ensure we can protect even more people in the years ahead.

He didn’t say months ahead. He said years. Let that marinate for a little bit. These people are thinking long-term. Taking a pause for a few months will do nothing to stop the Build Back Better plot from moving forward because this brief interlude is being done on the government’s terms. And by the way, Mr. Javid also stated that:

testing, vaccines and antivirals will be the cornerstone of our future defenses when almost all restrictions end.

The tyranny is far from over. The elites are the ones who are deciding to lift the restrictions on a whim, and that’s the problem. They are not scared of the pushback they have been receiving from the general population. They are not backing down because people are loudly protesting and marching every single week. They are still in control. The fact that the globalists are still steering the ship in the UK is the fundamental limitation that is going to impede genuine medical freedom and a complete restoration of the pre-Covid era from returning to the country. All I can say is, perhaps a miracle will happen, but we have to stay vigilant. I’m hoping for the best but we have to stay on our guard. We cannot be lulled into complacency just because the beast of tyranny is taking a short nap. At the slightest disturbance or perturbation, it will bare its poisonous fangs, open its giant maw, and take an even larger and more damaging bite out of what remains of our society and of our humanity.


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