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Claudel L.

Donald Trump ABANDONS his Supporters & PROMOTES the DEADLY VAX in Interview with Candace Owens


I’m a big fan of the vaccine. I’m not going to give that up. Millions and millions of lives I’ve saved.” - Former President Donald J. Trump

In a sit-down interview with Candace Owens of the Daily Wire, Former President Donald Trump plunged a huge dagger into the hearts of many of his loyal supporters as he unequivocally championed Big Pharma and purposely dismissed the widespread violation of human rights taking place as a result of the mass vaccination agenda. During the discussion, Donald Trump confirmed that he is now nothing more than a full-time mouthpiece and propagandist for the pharmaceutical industry. It is clear as day that Trump has callously turned his back on humanity and has literally given this despicable forced vaccination plot a massive booster. Many people in his base truly do not appreciate his unwavering support of the ineffective and dangerous experimental jabs, but he doesn’t appear to care about their disapproval. This debacle with Candace comes on the heels of Trump getting booed on stage with Bill O’ Reilly after he boasted about taking his booster shot.

Trump evaded Candace Owens’ polite attempts to get him to admit that the experimental shots that he helped to rush out to the general public are not effective and that society is being actively divided between separate and unequal classes of the “vaccinated” and “unvaccinated.” Instead of contending with these problematic facts, Trump doubled down and parroted the same types of wicked lies that Joe Biden, Jen Psaki, Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci, the CDC, and the FDA keep repeating, and pinned the deaths and hospitalizations from Covid-19 on the “unvaccinated.”

Trump claimed that the vaccines are one of the “greatest achievements of mankind” and asserted that millions of people would have died if the jabs didn’t exist, which is a ridiculous and false statement. There is no evidence that a virus with a 98.43% survival rate (U.S.) would have caused the same number of deaths as the 1918 Spanish flu. And as Candace importantly mentioned, more people have died in the U.S. this year from alleged Covid-19 than passed away last year. Moreover, the shots are not preventing hospitalization and death so unfortunately, Trump's argument that his “vaccine” rollout saved the planet is a complete lie.

Consider this. Does the greatest achievement of mankind kill over 20,000 people nationwide (a conservative estimate), and adversely affect over 980,000 innocent people? Does the greatest achievement of mankind permanently injure at least 35,000 victims? Does the greatest achievement of mankind kill over 3,000 American babies, another lowball estimate?

Is it some great achievement that over 50% of ALL Vaccine Adverse Reactions ever reported to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) over the past 30-plus years have occurred in the last 11 months thanks to the Covid shots? Trump should be ashamed of himself for patting himself over the back for this crime against humanity. He is responsible for advocating for "vaccines" that are actually causing mass amounts of death on a global scale. In the European Union alone, over 34,000 people have been reported as being killed by Trump’s greatest achievement and over 3,000,000 have been injured (1,470,537 of those are serious injuries) by his experimental juice. Again, I need to emphasize that these are conservative estimates and the actual numbers are probably significantly higher. EudraVigilance, the adverse reporting database used in the EU, only includes 27 out of 50 countries in Europe in its reports. Just imagine the staggering amount of injuries and deaths we would be seeing if we had a single compilation of Covid-19 vaccine adverse reactions in all of Europe and Asia.

In a patented Trumpian moment of self-aggrandizement, the former president bragged that he came up with the three vaccines, and he said that they are all “very, very good.” First of all Trump, please get over yourself concerning these deadly vaccines because this stuff really isn’t funny anymore. Mr. Trump, sir, you didn’t “come up” with the shots, you signed off on wasting billions upon billions of dollars of American taxpayer money to fill the coffers of Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson while the average American was either being laid off from work or getting their business shut down. During your final months in office, you oversaw the greatest transfer of wealth in American history as several rich elites struck gold from the pandemic at the expense of the middle-class and the poor. And now, while you continue to champion Big Pharma, thousands of people who haven't taken this experimental cell-altering product are getting fired, kicked out of the Armed Forces, and banned from public life. Is that very, very good Mr. Trump?

Also, Mr. Trump, you must not be aware that even the corrupt CDC is considering taking the Johnson & Johnson jab off the shelves because of the high risk of deadly blood clots from the shot. When you finally get around to hearing about that Mr. Trump, will you still think that the Johnson & Johnson jab is “very, very good?” I’m sorry to tell you this bad news Trump, but at least 1 out of your 3 precious experimental vaccines is in fact not “very, very good.”

To be continued in Part 2...


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