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Claudel L.

Donald Trump ABANDONS his Supporters & PROMOTES the DEADLY VAX in Interview with Candace Owens

Updated: Dec 31, 2021


The only way to get people out of their coronavirus/vaccine hypnosis is to provide them with multiple JARRING FACTS and FIGURES that powerfully counter the massive disinformation campaign being executed by the corporate media and their pharmaceutical/political co-conspirators. Anyone who can review the information that I provide in this article and still strongly believe that the ineffective vax is humanity's ticket to freedom is damaged beyond repair.

President Trump, you bragged that the rushed and experimental vaccinations are "very, very good," but I think you're willfully lying. Don't you know that a good vaccine would actually, you know, grant people immunity from the pathogen that the vaccine is made for?

The problem is that these risky vaccines don’t offer any immunity, they don’t prevent the spread of the virus, they don’t prevent infection from the virus, and they don’t prevent hospitalization and even death. President Trump, I feel as though you are aware of this serious problem but you don't want to admit it. But in the off chance that you are in fact unaware, how about you take a look at the following:

Australia has become infamous for openly violating people's basic human rights throughout the "pandemic." There are videos of police assaulting people for not wearing masks. Australia is an open air prison. However, despite the sheer despotism of constant mask mandates, repeated lockdowns, Orwellian contact tracing, wellness "camps" (detention centers), discriminatory vaccine segregation, and a stunningly high 90.9% double vaccination rate among all people over the age of 16, Australia just recorded a pandemic record high of 10,000 cases. How in God's name does that happen with a vaccination rate that high and with all of those oppressive measures? The vaccine is NOT WORKING.

According to a December 18th report in Denmark, being “unvaccinated” makes one much LESS likely to get the so-called Omicron variant as compared to being “vaccinated.” There were 13,546 cases among the “vaccinated,” accounting for 79% of the entire total number of cases. This is despite a whopping 80% vaccination rate among 15-60 year olds. Does that sound very, very good?

A U.S. Navy warship named the USS Milwaukee, with a 100% “fully vaccinated” crew, just had a coronavirus outbreak this past Friday. Does that sound very, very good to you? How did they spread the virus amongst each other while being fully jabbed?

  • In an October report out of the United Kingdom, the “fully vaccinated” accounted for 70% of the Covid-19 deaths in a 4 week span. Does that sound very, very good?

  • Just last week, Mr. Trump, over 40% of all COVID cases in Massachusetts were “fully vaccinated.” The so-called “fully vaccinated” accounted for 43% of cases in Massachusetts for the week ending December 18, up from 37% the previous week. Nearly 48% of Covid cases were “fully vaccinated” for the week that ended December 4, according to data from the Massachusetts state public health department. Does that sound very, very good?

  • In November 2021, Vermont experienced "one of the most intense COVID-19 surges in the country" even though it had a 72% double-vaccination rate at that time, good for number one in the United States. The weird thing is that before there were any vaccines available, Vermont didn't have much Covid at all. There were barely any cases in Vermont in all of 2020. What gives?

  • Cornell University recently had to force its students to take their final exams remotely. Do you know why that happened Mr. Trump? Can you explain it? As of December 17th, despite a 97% vaccination rate on campus, Cornell University had 1,442 active positive cases of COVID-19. The university said it had reported a spike in cases and evidence of the alleged “omicron variant.” Does that sound very, very good to you?

President Trump! I know you're probably bought off but for the love of God please reconsider your stance on the deadly vaccinations.

More in Part 3...


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