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Claudel L.

Donald Trump, Anti-semite?... 🙄 *Oprah voice*: "You're an anti-semite, and you're an anti-semite"

Updated: Oct 20, 2022

Donald Trump loves Israel so much that he apparently wants American Jews to love Israel as much as he does. (The controversy appears to have largely blown over but I'm going to offer some quick commentary on it because it comes up repeatedly)

Charges of anti-semitism against Donald Trump have always annoyed me. Mainly because they're ridiculous. The only reason he gets called an anti-semite is to maintain the false narrative that he's a white supremacist. Donald Trump is the most pro-Israel President ever. So how can he be anti-semitic? He did more for the state of Israel than any U.S. President. Moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem? The recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights? Signing anti-First Amendment speech laws? The Kushner-brokered Abraham Accords? Staying tough on Iran? Israelis love Trump. One could easily argue that Donald Trump is the most ardent pro-Jewish President in American History. Furthermore, Donald Trump is so defensive of the Jewish community that he has gone to bat for them many times. When the so-called “squad” were launching attacks against the state of Israel, Donald Trump called them antisemitic on Twitter and at his rallies. Funnily enough, Ilhan Omar has taken advantage of this recent pile-on and has called Trump the real anti-semite. She has veritably played a reverse Uno Card on Trump. It’s such a joke. You’re an anti-semite! Nuh-uh! You’re the anti-semite! Like, come on. This is not serious.

Is insinuating "dual loyalty" anti-semitic? Israel was literally created for Jewish people. Its sole purpose is to provide a safe haven for all Jewish people. How could it be an anti-semitic trope? The vast majority of Jewish people feel a connection to the state of Israel. And Donald Trump is aware of that. If something bad were to happen to Israel, it’s safe to say that most Jewish people would be very upset about it. Secular Jews and Religious Jews all have a connection to the state of Israel whether it's personal or through extended family. Donald Trump greatly strengthened the position of Israel in the Middle East. So by default, he did help the Jewish people. He did help the Jewish diaspora.

Donald Trump is not issuing any threats to Jewish people. He's apparently in love with Israel. He's just desperate for approval and appreciation from Jewish people. When he says "get your act together...before it is too late!” He is saying that from the vantage point of: “you really should support me because I’m literally your greatest ally. So please support me now while I'm still available.” He is speaking from the point of view of unrequited love. Trump cannot understand why he gets so much hate from the Jewish community even though he has been so closely aligned with Jewish people for his entire life. He also cannot comprehend that hatred because he has done more for Israel than any other President in U.S. history. Donald Trump has been surrounded by Jewish businessmen for his entire life. One of his former lawyers (the now disgraced Michael Cohen) was Jewish. The man who recently ran the Trump Organization was also Jewish. Donald Trump’s closest advisor in the White House (Jared Kushner) was Jewish and his wife is Ivanka Trump.

In sum, charges of anti-semitism against Donald Trump are used by his enemies to bolster the false image of him as being a white supremacist. Any rational person knows that’s not true because in order to be a white supremacist, he would have to have a grudge against the Jews. Nobody with a functioning brain thinks Donald Trump has a problem with Jewish people. It’s just so annoying whenever I see this stuff.


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