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Claudel L.

Donald Trump PROMOTES the DEADLY VAX in Interview with Candace Owens



*There is more than enough data available that shows that the "vaccinations" are not preventing hospitalization and death, which is one of the most powerful lies being currently disseminated worldwide.

*The primary issue is that the statistics that reveal this inconvenient information are obscured or censored entirely. In order to gain access to data that challenges mainstream virus/vaccine dogma you have to do the work yourself rather than just passively hearing it on cable news or casually reading it on mainline Internet websites. This obfuscation effort prevents the masses from being aware of crucial information that would greatly impede, and perhaps halt, this criminal and unethical mass vaccination scheme being executed by the global elite.

Donald Trump went deeper down the rabbit hole of deceit when he told Candace Owens that the vaccine “works” and that “the ones who get very sick and go to the hospital are the ones who don’t take their vaccine” President Trump, that is a blatant lie. As I showed in Part II, the vaccines do not work. They are a massive failure. And as far as your bold claim about the hospitalizations, that is also a fib.

Here is some more evidence that debunks Trump's false statements about the shots.

  • Between September 6 and October 3, 70% of deadly COVID cases in the United Kingdom occurred in the fully-jabbed, according to the UKHSA data, with 2,281 deaths in “fully vaccinated” people and just 611 in the unvaccinated within 28 days of a positive test. Partially vaccinated people accounted for 98 deaths. This can be seen on Table 4(a) of the data.

  • According to the most recent report by the New Mexico Department of Health, deaths from “vaccinated” individuals from Nov. 15 to Dec. 13 were reported as being 18.4%, a sharp increase from the previous report of only 4.9%. I guess that’s because of Omicron...

  • Vermont, America’s most vaccinated state, also reported in September that 76% of coronavirus deaths in the state were “fully jabbed.” In September, over 75% of the eligible population was "fully vaccinated."

  • A report from Public Health England showed that 163 of the 257 people (63.4%) who died of the “Delta variant” within 28 days of a positive COVID test between February 1 and June 21 had received at least one dose of the vaccine. (The link I provided here is to an article discussing this data. The original report is taken down, I wonder why).

  • A September presentation from the U.S. Department of Defense found that about 60% of elderly Medicare patients hospitalized for COVID by August 7 were “fully vaccinated.” (The Department of Defense has also taken down their original presentation and scrubbed it from the Internet. I can't think of why they would do that)

Donald Trump, please stop bragging about your critical role in producing these shots. That is nothing to be proud of. You need to lend your voice to the people who are being hurt by this.

You need to get on the right side of history on this coronavirus vaccination plot and you need to do it fast. I appreciate what you tried to do from the time you campaigned for President in 2015 up until you started pushing the mass vaccinations in early 2020. However, I cannot support what you're doing now.

I want you to have the legacy that you originally had (and that you still have but it's beginning to erode), which was that of a patriotic President who was unfairly treated and abused in his time in office.

Your fierce advocacy of these harmful experimental shots and your minimization of the human rights abuse taking place as a result of this coercive vaccination effort may end up irreversibly attaching your legendary name to what future generations will probably view as a barbaric and inhumane project. If that happens, you may wind up among the ranks of the most evil men in history. Please wake up before it's too late!


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