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Writer's pictureClaudel

Endless Vax Disinfo: Washington Post Tells 2 Lies in 1 Sentence (Part 2)

A lot of words have lost their meaning lately, including the word "pandemic."

I will address the second lie that the WaPo told in this post. The Washington Post headline insinuates that there is still a pandemic going on. But just look around you. Do you see any signs of what you would call a pandemic? I think your answer is no. People intuitively know when a disease is at a pandemic level without any official announcement from the government, the nightly news, or medical professionals. All they have to do is observe their surroundings and determine whether the number of people getting sick exceeds what they normally see. If they notice that the amount of sickness and death around them appears to be ubiquitous, then they will come to the conclusion that there is a pandemic. Is there a disease going around called Covid-19? Yes. Is there a pandemic? No.

Apart from a few unfortunate exceptions, Americans are going about their business normally right now because they intuit that there isn’t a pandemic. There is no fear in the air and there is no sense of dread when they step outside. The failure of the vaccination program and the growing distrust of the American population against the government has sort of forced the Covid-19 tyrants and zealots to ease up a bit.

Nonetheless, the government still hasn’t declared that the Covid-19 pandemic is over. And why not? Well, the only reason why the government hasn't moved on from Covid-19 is because they still want to be able to use it for their own nefarious purposes. Just take a look at China and how the Communist Party has weaponized the virus to dominate their population. China is the ultimate dystopian fantasy for power-hungry psychopaths and China continues to prove that the government can create and maintain a pandemic if it wants to. Several major Chinese cities have been in and out of lockdowns since early 2020, yet Chinese residents are still testing positive at record rates. If lockdowns and "vaccines" work, then why are they seeing record cases? They are seeing records because they are continuing to obsessively perform PCR tests. Mass testing. That’s it. When a lot of positive results come back, the Chinese government can then declare that the pandemic is at the worst level that it’s ever been and the population is just forced to accept more lockdowns and restrictions.

Some brave Chinese folks have taken to the streets in recent weeks to protest against the ongoing abuse and violation of their basic human rights. The demonstrations appear to have had some success because the Chinese government is currently loosening some restrictions. But still, there is no true escape from the Communist Chinese system because it's totalitarian. The Covid-19 pandemic gives any particular government that is interested in totalitarian rule a convenient excuse for their abuse of power and human rights. The Covid-19 pandemic is clearly over. A blind man can see that. However, the U.S. government and other governments around the world are run by people who want to have the option of resurrecting it to push wicked agendas that involve total population control. And that's all there is to it.


Post: Blog2_Post
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