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Claudel L.


“Suspect was known to law enforcement.” Knowing what I know, color me NOT shocked.

The feds are either getting sloppy or they just don’t give a shit about being discreet anymore. I say that because the Illinois mass shooter is glowing brighter than any mass shooter in recent memory, and probably ever to be honest. I thought the Buffalo shooter was very radioactive. Especially because his "manifesto" read like a pre-packaged list of ideas that a standard U.S. federal agent would think that a standard white supremacist terrorist would believe. I wasn’t too sure about the Uvalde shooter, but after I learned about how the Uvalde police purposely stood down, the underlying program became obvious to me. But Crimo III? This dude is glowing way brighter than the Buffalo shooter and the Uvalde shooter combined. Crimo III is a fucking gamma ray.

Crimo III displayed every single red flag that you can think of. First of all, he is a sickly looking dysmorphic bastard with colored hair and facial tattoos. That’s already a major warning sign. But beyond his bizarre physical appearance, he was an antisocial Soundcloud “rapper” who wrote and recorded doomer/depressive songs about killing himself and/or killing other people and even made music videos depicting school shootings. He posted animated shorts on Youtube of armed stick figures (representing himself) committing murder. In one of his morbid shorts, he portrayed himself laying in a pool of blood after being shot by law enforcement. All of his social media accounts were flooded with demonic and disturbing imagery. He displayed a macabre interest in the occult and displayed witchcraft symbols on his clothing.

He was even confronted by law enforcement in 2019 after he threatened to commit suicide and “kill everyone” and was found to be in the possession of a sword, dagger, and several knives. And to top it all off, he joked on social media on more than one occasion about being under mind control. He claimed that he was a "product of MK Ultra" on Instagram and even wore an FBI hat to troll his followers. Let me repeat. He trolled his followers about being a potential mass shooter under mind control by the FBI. And then he actually went out and committed a mass shooting!!! This is the most MK Ultra of MK Ultras. He was manipulated by one or more deep state intelligence agencies. This is the ultimate simulation.

Despite showing ALL THE SIGNS of being a potential mass shooter, he was STILL able to legally purchase FIVE GUNS including the rifle he used for the mass shooting. This is in spite of the fact he lives in a state that already has red flag laws. He lives in a state where it is damn near illegal to have a gun as a law abiding citizen because there are already so many harsh gun laws. Do you understand?

Crimo III is obviously a federal asset under mind control who was groomed to kill. Just like the Buffalo shooter, just like the Parkland shooter, and just like so many other weirdo murderous misfits who miraculously end up having an army’s worth of weaponry even though they had blatantly obvious mental health issues and were “previously known to law enforcement.”


Crimo depicting himself being killed by cops


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