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Claudel L.

Joe Rogan said the N-Word? AND??? Who Gives A Damn?

No real person gives a rat's ass that Joe Rogan said "nigger." He said it in different contexts over the years in an academic sort of way. He was having discussions with people about the word and he happened to say it. But he wasn't being insulting and he wasn't demeaning anyone. And everyone knows that Joe Rogan isn't racist. He is just a regular chill guy who gets along with all races of people. He didn't even need to apologize. That's his real mistake. There is absolutely nothing wrong with saying "nigger" when you're having a serious and legitimate discussion where the word comes up.

There is also nothing wrong with using the more colloquial and cooler word "nigga" if you're not black. Certain black people try to claim ownership of the word simply to weaponize racial power dynamics and to try to make white people or other non-black people feel guilty or lesser than in some way. Black people who argue that only blacks can use the word nigga usually assert the false idea that because black people don't have power (a lie), they have to desperately hold on to that word. They maintain that reclaiming ownership of the white racist word "nigger" and turning it into the black solidarity word "nigga" is one of the greatest things that black people have accomplished since the slavery days.

Yeah, that's bullshit. The only people who really believe that the word "nigga" is exclusively for blacks are super woke, pan-African type black people who think about slavery on a daily basis and are totally wrapped up in their black identity. You can add non-black lefties and liberals and a few non-black conservatives to that mix as well. Those are the only people who get "offended" when a non-black person uses the word. And guess what, those people aren't the majority. Most people seriously don't care.

The reality on the street is that blacks absolutely do not have exclusive ownership on the word “nigga,” and its been that way for a very long time. Many blacks are cool with other races using the word as long as the individuals in the other races are "down" and can "relate" to black urban culture. As long as there is an understanding that the term "nigga" is not being used in a racial context, then it's just another word like the words "dude," or "bro."

Basically everyone who is influenced by black urban culture uses the word "nigga" in various ways. Hispanics say it (especially Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, and Mexicans), Asians say it, Arabs say it, and even some white people who grew up immersed in black urban culture say it. And almost everyone has said the word once by themselves when singing rap lyrics. I can guarantee that if you're reading this, you have said the word "nigga" in your head numerous times. And you liked it.

Every school in America that has a population of black people will hear the word "nigga" casually tossed around all the time. It's literally impossible to avoid. And you know what's funny? You have black kids in school who call white kids "nigga." For instance, you can often hear kids say things like, "I can't believe this nigga," or "chill out nigga," (when referring to a white person!) Moreover, almost every popular rap song has the word "nigga" in it. People of all races say the word "nigga" in unison when black and non-black rap artists perform their songs in concerts and nobody cares.

There are only 2 SCENARIOS in which there is a legitimate problem with using the n-word:

1) When somebody uses the word "nigger" in a purposely racist and purposely offensive way.

2) When somebody who wouldn't normally say "nigga" says it in an awkward and uncharacteristic way.

Joe Rogan shot himself in the foot by trying to act as if his usage of the word was hurtful or something. It wasn't. Nobody gave a damn when he used it back then. And nobody really gives a crap now either. Nobody is actually upset or losing sleep over it. The word is just being weaponized for ideological purposes, using "hurtful racism" as a cover. Black people are not crying over this. Joe Rogan is obviously not racist. The whole controversy is just stupid.


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