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Writer's pictureClaudel

Is It Part of NATO'S Mission To Spread LGBT Beliefs Around The World? Yes It Is

Back in 2019, well before the war between Russia and Ukraine started, author and political pundit James Kirchick wrote a piece in the Washington Post arguing that NATO can spread peace around the world by encouraging “respect for LGBTQ people.” Kirchick, who is gay, stated that the “democratic health of nations” can be measured by how much LGBTQ practices are tolerated and accepted. The crux of his argument was that if Russia were to follow NATO’s advice and become a liberal democracy that upholds LGBTQ rights, then there would be a far lesser chance of conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and by extension, between Russia and NATO. I suppose the current war between Russia and Ukraine could have been avoided if Putin had agreed to fly a rainbow flag above the Kremlin.

In Kirchick’s view, a strong nation in the 21st century is defined by how much value it places on homosexuality and transexuality, and he believes that NATO is a major player in forwarding that agenda. Well, he’s definitely incorrect in the belief that promoting homosexuality and other similar practices makes a country “healthy.” A brief look at the pitiful state of affairs (clown show/dumpster fire) in America proves that theory to be totally wrong. But he is completely correct about NATO’s commitment to spreading the LGBTQ belief system around the world. A simple Google search reveals several articles that describe how committed NATO is to promoting diversity, equity, inclusion, and of course “gay rights” and “trans rights.”

People like James Kirchick believe that “gay rights” simply means tolerance of homosexuality. That’s never what it means. As we have seen time and time again, “gay rights” end up turning into “gay pride.” In other words, the culture of homosexuality cannot just be tolerated, it has to be celebrated and held on a pedestal. That is what has happened in America and in other liberal democracies. In the absence of an absolute and well-defined boundary that excludes practices and beliefs that are considered to be wrong, the inclusion of whatever was previously unacceptable will eventually become acceptable. And liberal democracies have a funny habit of totally tearing down previous cultural norms in the name of “equality.” For example, interracial marriage in America was not acceptable at one point in time. Now it is. Homosexual marriage wasn’t acceptable either. But now it is.

Nature abhors a vacuum. Oftentimes, a previous set of norms will be repealed and replaced by a new set of norms that are in diametric opposition to what existed before. That’s how the real world works. There is no such thing as the peaceful co-existence of radically different belief systems, even in a liberal democracy. There has never been a society in history that doesn’t have a dominant and prevailing ideology or set of values that the majority of people living in that society have to subscribe to. Other ideologies and beliefs are either secondary to the dominant culture or they are suppressed or outlawed altogether. In the “open society” that we call the United States, there has always been a set of values that dominate or suppress the other ones. Up until the mid 1900s, American women were not allowed to show off their bodies. But starting around the 1950s, progressivism and feminism allowed women to completely reverse that standard. Now, many American women wear very provocative clothing in public and are practically naked on social media.

Social change can happen very quickly in liberal democracies and that is why people like James Kirchick prefer that style of government. The dominant culture of liberal democracy in the 21st century is in favor of LGBTQ values, extreme feminism, sexual freedom, and mass illegal immigration. Modern liberal democracies also encourage racial pride among minority groups such as blacks while warning white people against doing the same. And as Kirchick suggested back in 2019, it is part of NATO’s mission to spread certain ideological values to different countries around the world.


Post: Blog2_Post
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