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Claudel L.


Part 2 of 2

We are no closer to a solution to the leading cause of dementia than we were 16 years ago.

As we can see from the recent Alzheimer’s scandal (and of course, Cov-19), "science" can’t necessarily be trusted. The human beings who work in the industry of scientific research and development are fallible, and oftentimes, they are corrupt. It was only a matter of time until the house of cards that the medical industry has built around Alzheimer’s came crashing down because the drugs aren’t working. Trust the science? Don't be so foolish. That is one of the most asinine phrases that man has ever come up with and I look at anyone who utters it unironically with disgust, scorn, and disdain. Accepted Science is only acceptable if: 1) it benefits humanity, 2) it is transparent, 3) it is safe, 4) it is under constant oversight, and 5) it is scientifically rigorous. And even if these criteria are met, science is still never absolute.

Over the last two decades, Alzheimer’s drugs have been notable mostly for having a 99% failure rate in human trials. Evidently, Alzheimer’s drugs don’t provide people suffering from the disease with any form of medical therapy. Instead, they offer millions if not billions of dollars of financial therapy for the CEOs, lead researchers, and investors of large pharmaceutical companies. They also help to line the pockets of the corrupt bureaucrats that work for the CDC and the FDA who hastily approve these products.

Regulatory agencies like the FDA and CDC are frequently in bed with the CEOs of large pharmaceutical companies and the drug researchers that represent those companies. That is why Biogen was recently able to receive FDA approval for an Alzheimer’s drug called Aduhelm even though the drug showed poor results in clinical trials. When it first hit the market, each bottle of the ineffective drug cost a staggeringly high $56,000 per patient. After some backlash, Biogen “reduced” the price to $28,200 per patient.

Al Sandrock, former Chief Scientist of Biogen, helped convince the FDA to push the drug

This level of abuse can only be propagated by a system that rewards fraud and crony capitalism. Biogen is in the good graces of the FDA, and for that reason, their Alzheimer’s drug has been pushed onto the market even though it is ineffective. It doesn’t work because it is based on fraudulent research about beta-amyloid proteins being the main culprit behind Alzheimer’s disease. But that doesn’t matter when collusion and nepotism is taking place. Biogen is collaborating with the FDA to make money at the expense of Alzheimer’s sufferers. At the end of the day, what these people call “science” is really just whatever makes the most profit.

Modern scientific research is too centralized and it is too bureaucratic. That is why the industry has become a racket. The people who become successful are slaves to the system and refuse to defy it even when they know that the system is wrong. Those are the people who go along to get along. They do whatever they are told in order to get a paycheck. On the other hand, independent thinkers and scientists who dare to step outside of the Overton window and challenge current scientific dogma get censored and defunded.

Scientific research should always be under scrutiny. Nothing should become dogma. We should always be questioning the intentions of a research study, who is funding the research, and why the study is being done in the first place. When a particular narrative is being deliberately and obnoxiously pushed in the medical industry at the expense of all others, we should ask ourselves why. And if we discover nefarious actors or incentives behind the promotion of a medicinal product, then we should take direct action against the people responsible for such harmful dishonesty.


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