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Claudel L.

NOT a Racist Terrorist? Why American Mass Media Tries to Run Cover For Monsters Like Darrell Brooks

Darrell Brooks Jr. is just another oppressed minority who had a really rough day. His SUV killed and maimed those people in Waukesha.

Current mainline American ideology asserts that white people are born bigoted and racist. Many of America’s most powerful institutions support and bolster that notion. The Department of Homeland Security and the FBI have labeled “white supremacy” and “white supremacists” as the greatest terror threats in the country. Elementary schools, high schools, colleges, large corporations, left-wing “intellectuals”, black power activists, mass media, Hollywood, the Federal Government, the ADL/SPLC, and popular culture have worked extremely hard for many years to portray America as a nation that is infused with violent and virulent “white supremacy.” The fact that Darrell Brooks Jr. is a black man who committed an unspeakable atrocity against white people throws a big wrench in that carefully curated portrait of white aggression. He's supposed to be the helpless victim.

Therefore, labeling Darrell Brooks Jr. as a terrorist is inconvenient to the establishment position that black people are not capable of violent racially motivated behavior, despite the fact that there are several examples of it, such as the 2015 police shooting in Dallas by Micah X. Johnson, or the recent serial killing in the same region by Billy Chemirmir. Micah X was a racist black radical who believed many of the same things that Darrell Brooks Jr. does. However, that incident has been purposely memory-holed in order to preserve the anti-white establishment narrative. Accused serial killer Billy Chemirmir is a Kenyan immigrant who allegedly posed as a medical professional or maintenance person in order to gain access to the residencies of at least 18 elderly white people. He then proceeded to mercilessly smother them to death with a pillow. It's really hard to argue that race didn't play a role in Chemirmir's heinous crimes. I hope Billy receives the death penalty. If it were up to me, he would have been ancient history by now.

But the anti-white corporate media doesn't like to tell the public that horrific racist attacks can come from all races, not just whites. In the wake of the Christmas parade massacre, the mass media machine was quick to perform damage control on Darrell "MathBoi Fly" Brook's behalf after discovering that he was black.

One of the main tactics employed by the lying media to protect Brooks was the use of the impersonal and/or passive voice to describe what Brooks did to de-emphasize his culpability. For example, CNN posted a headline that read “...SUV ploughs through Wisconsin parade.” CBS said an "SUV rammed into bystanders." And in an MSNBC panel about the car ramming, one of the contributors called the incident an “accident.”

Notice how CBS uses the passive voice here and pushes the initial report that it was not a terrorist event:

Daniel Thompson, the police chief in Waukesha, who is probably in cahoots with the media establishment, was quick to dismiss any notions that the massacre was a “terrorist incident” in his initial statement on the tragedy. He did that as soon as he could even though the situation was still developing, and even though the preliminary facts that were known about the event leaned towards it actually being an act of terror. The police chief tried to justify his stance by saying that Brooks was driving away from a domestic dispute that he was involved in within the vicinity. Later details revealed that lowlife Darrell Brooks had indeed recently got into an argument with one of his “baby mamas,” but he was not being pursued by police. In a later statement, the police chief would admit that Brooks was not being chased when he approached the Christmas festival.

Brooks drove into the parade by choice, ignoring and avoiding at least 3 police officers who confronted him on the street while he was driving, just minutes before he committed his deadly deed. But the police chief’s first statement was enough for the mainstream media machine to refrain from calling it a terrorist attack. This was deliberate maneuver by the corporate press because as I said before, first impressions are very important. Even if the tragedy is later classified as a terror attack, many people won’t remember it that way because the news didn’t plant that particular seed.

In the immediate aftermath of the attack, the vast majority of CNN’s headlines on Twitter made sure to call it an “incident” or a “crash” rather than using more visceral terms that denote mens rea such as, “rampage,” “assault” or “terror.”

Here's what S.E. Cupp, a fake conservative pundit, posted on her Twitter for her 460k followers to see:

NBC subtly called it an accident:

CBS called it a "parade crash":

In contrast, media outlets such as the Daily Beast quickly pounce on stories that fit the white terrorist narrative and categorize them as such with sparse evidence. For instance, soon after the Rittenhouse situation in Kenosha, the Daily Beast posted this:

As you can see, the Daily Beast was trying really hard to make a white supremacist/terrorist connection by exaggerating and sensationalizing the nature of Rittenhouse’s social media posts. "Blue Lives Matter Fanatic" is a pretty funny description, I must say.

The goal of all of this curation is to manipulate the minds of millions of people into believing that Darrell Brooks Jr. is an unfortunate “victim of the system” rather than a terrible human being who carried out an act of unthinkable evil. Which is what he actually is. Using passive and less alarming language in the news headlines primes people to temper and lessen what would otherwise be a visceral reaction of fury towards Brooks. Because he is black, the mass media is very reluctant to attribute too much volition to him. Because of course, doing so would be racist. According to a large chunk of the information media, Brooks was an inactive participant in all of the mayhem and death at the parade. The SUV did all the killing, not him. If he were white and the victims were black, the headlines would aim to be more accusatory. They would attribute race-based agency and culpability to the white perpetrator, even if once all the investigations were completed, no specific racial motivation was found.

The establishment understands that first impressions are extremely key in driving a false narrative. The initial framing of a story that is disseminated to the masses is more memorable and far more long-lasting. Subsequent changes to the story that potentially contradict the initial reports occur after millions of people have already made up their minds about the matter. Those millions no longer want to sit down and go through the tedium of re-evaluating their positions. They would rather have faith that the “breaking news” got it right the first time. The end result is that millions of people conclude what the controllers of social media and mass media want them to conclude about a topic at hand. That level of chicanery works like a charm because millions of malleable and gullible people become useful pawns for the forces aiming to divide the nation while using white people as scapegoats.


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