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Claudel L.

NY TIMES: U.S. military MASSACRED Syrian Civilians while fighting ISIS in 2019

My support for the U.S. military continues to decline

In this new report, written by Dave Philipps and Eric Schmitt, they reveal that on March 18, 2019, the U.S. military’s secretive special operations unit named Task Force 9 authorized a massive airstrike in Baghuz, Syria. It took place while U.S. coalition forces were finishing off the final remnants of ISIS in the region. The aerial assault killed 80 people, most of whom were innocent civilians. This atrocity was unknown to the general public until now.

Here is a quick summary of what happened according to the article:

“An F-15E attack plane hit the spot with a 500-pound bomb. Five minutes later, when ground forces saw people fleeing the blast site, the F-15E dropped two 2,000-pound bombs on the survivors. The entire attack took 12 minutes..”

Philipps and Schmitt explain that the “Baghuz strike was one of the largest civilian casualty incidents of the war against the Islamic State, but it has never been publicly acknowledged by the U.S. military.”

This is disgusting. The special forces unit surely knew after the first bomb that they had miscalculated. But then they went ahead and dropped an even bigger bomb to wipe out everyone that was still breathing. It was a wanton massacre of innocents. Pure and simple. They slaughtered at least 60 innocent women and children for the hell of it. And the U.S. military doesn’t want to take any responsibility for it. Just like they won't take responsibility for killing 10 Afghanis when they were withdrawing from Afghanistan in August 2021.

It can be argued that the secret Task Force made the choice spill blood without any regard for innocent human life because it chose not to use the highest level of precaution to avoid civilian casualties. The unit had been surveilling Baghuz region for several weeks with high-tech drones and the Task Force was aware that there was still a significant number of civilians living there. Additionally, there was a special “high-definition drone” available for the unit to use (which they were fully aware of), to ensure that every inch and every crevice of the territory would be examined to guarantee that there would be no civilians in the crosshairs of any attack.

Had Task Force 9 used the high-definition drone that was at its disposal, it would have observed that there were still significant numbers of unarmed women and children in the area. Furthermore, the Task Force would have seen that there was no imminent threat from ISIS fighters. But the secretive military unit didn't care. They were determined to kill. Consequently, the unit devilishly chose to rely on a camera with “standard-definition,” and then slammed Baghuz with not one, not two but three huge bombs, spilling tons of guiltless blood.

Quite disturbingly, military officials knew exactly what had taken place in the aftermath of the strike. They knew they had screwed up. After realizing that they had made a fatal mistake, the military did not take the necessary steps to investigate and examine the incident. Instead, the U.S. military bulldozed the area to cover up the evidence. The U.S. regime always seems does that when they do anything blatantly illegal. They attempt to hide it. Fortunately a patriot named Colonel Korsak took the initiative to report the war crime to the Senate Armed Services Committee while acknowledging that he was “putting [himself] at great risk of military retaliation.”

I respect military men like Colonel Korsak, and the others who are trying to expose this evil. I disdain the bloodthirsty scum on Task Force 9 who wanted to see people blown up. According to the Time article, the Task Force repeatedly found ways to dodge oversight that would reduce or prevent civilian casualties. Of course, the American regime that is in place still refuses to take the proper action to bring the perpetrators of the slaughter at Baghuz to justice. These criminals have refused to accept any serious inquiries into the massacre even up to now. The release of the embarrassing Times article spurred Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to request a "briefing" of the incident. Whatever. I fully expect that Austin and the rest of the military brass will brush the fiasco under the rug after a cursory examination. I say that because the military is very unlikely to hold itself accountable.

This is so sad, but I absolutely have to tip my cap to Dave Philipps and Eric Schmitt for having the courage and the fortitude to write this powerful article exposing the ugly truth about what the U.S. regime has done to the Syrian people. The New York Times has lost my respect in recent years for their shameless lies and naked partisanship during the Trump era and ever since. But every now and then, good and honest journalists who remain on the Times staff like Philipps and Schmitt manage to produce important content that cannot go unnoticed.


Before I end, I just want to say this. I don’t support what this military is doing at all. I support what the U.S. military has historically stood for: God, patriotism, and liberty/freedom. I cherish the U.S. military heroes from the earlier days of the nation (up to World War II) and I respect what the military did when America still had a Christian ethos. I feel badly for the good men and women who have enlisted in the modern U.S. military believing they were fighting for a righteous cause when they were instead signing up to be disposable pawns. The more that I examine American foreign policy over the past several decades, the more jaded I become about it. Especially when it comes to the Middle East. This iteration of the U.S. military isn’t “fighting for our freedoms'' and they’re not really “fighting terrorism.” They have become merchants of death and suffering, doing the bidding of globalist elites and neoconservative warhawks who have their own dastardly interests in mind.

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash


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