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Claudel L.

NYC’s New Soros-Backed DA ALVIN BRAGG Will Give Criminals the License to Rob, Steal, and Kill

Updated: Jan 9, 2022

Bragg's harebrained approach to crime ensures more lawlessness in Gotham City in the months and years to come

Manhattan’s new Communist District Attorney Alvin Bragg is a George Soros-funded leftist radical who recently released a memo in which he promises that his office will go easy on an array of serious crimes, and in some cases, not prosecute the crimes at all. Of course, Bragg envelops his demented agenda behind the veil of "criminal justice reform." His memo is filled with progressive rubbish about how the justice system should try to avoid incarcerating lawbreakers. In his message, he orders his prosecutors not to prosecute fare evasion, resisting arrest, trespassing, voluntary prostitution, driving with a suspended license, and more in order to "diminish the collateral harms of criminal prosecution." Without a doubt, Bragg's memo offers the worst elements of society a carte blanche to commit all sorts of dangerous offenses. Here are some of the measures that Bragg will be implementing as District Attorney:

Armed robbers who use guns or other deadly weapons to rob stores and other businesses will be prosecuted only for petty larceny, a misdemeanor, provided no victims were seriously injured and there’s no “genuine risk of physical harm” to anyone. Armed robbery, a class B felony, would typically be punishable by a maximum of 25 years in prison, while petty larceny subjects offenders to up to 364 days in jail and a $1,000 fine.
Convicted criminals caught with weapons other than guns will have those felony charges downgraded to misdemeanors unless they’re also charged with more serious offenses. Criminal possession of a weapon in the third degree, a class D felony, is punishable by up to 7 years behind bars.
Burglars who steal from residential storage areas, parts of homes that aren’t “accessible to a living area” and businesses located in mixed-use buildings will be prosecuted for a low-level class D felony that only covers break-ins instead of for more serious crimes. Those more serious crimes, class B and class C felonies, would be punishable by up to 25 and up to 15 years in prison respectively.
Drug dealers believed to be “acting as a low-level agent of a seller” will be prosecuted only for misdemeanor possession. Also, suspected dealers will only be prosecuted on felony charges if they’re also accused of more serious crimes or are actually caught in the act of selling drugs. That felony would mean facing up to seven years behind bars.
Resisting arrest can only be charged if the person is resisting arrest for a serious crime — and the charge of obstructing governmental administration can only be charged against people who are aiding someone who is resisting arrest.

Bragg’s psychotic approach to criminality all but ensures that there will be more bloodshed and mayhem in the Big Apple this year. Quite likely even more than there has already been over the past 2 years. Bragg, a black Ivy league-graduate, views himself and people who look like him as perpetual victims that should receive mercy from the justice system rather than punishment. He enters his position with a “restorative justice” mindset that will utilize incarceration only as a “last resort.” This will ostensibly be for the benefit of “black and brown” people, since most of the people who get arrested and incarcerated in New York City are in fact black. Rather than putting offenders where they actually belong, which is in a prison cell, Bragg will treating them with kid gloves, diminishing and dismissing the harms that they have inflicted on other individuals.

This foolish concept of having sympathy towards the most insidious members of society boils down to keeping reprobates on the streets, where they will prey on the law-abiding and the innocent. The absurd rationalization and round-a-bout defense of criminality by radical leftists has already bred deadly results. New York City is a place that has been steadily decimated by the far-left line of thinking under the administrations of Former Mayor Bill de Blasio and Former Governor Cuomo. What was formerly a great metropolis is in the midst of a steep and rapid decline that began in earnest in January 2020 when the so-called bail reform law went into effect. After Governor Cuomo signed off on eliminating cash bail for a number of offenses, the crime rate shot up almost immediately. And it has not gone down since. During and after the BLM riots for George Floyd in summer 2020, violent crime in New York City rose with alacrity, especially gun crime. Lawlessness took hold as undercover anti-crime units were disbanded, police departments were defunded, and crazed left-wing activists called for reduced law enforcement due to nonsensical allegations of “systemic” racism.

Yet as bad as 2020 was, 2021 was even worse. Every single metric of major crime increased in New York City last year.

Stupidly catering to radical groups like BLM has done nothing but spill more blood on the streets of NYC. And most of the violent crime is concentrated in the very same Black and Latino neighborhoods that radical leftist activists claim to be defending. It is simple common sense that criminals or potential criminals are emboldened by laws and policies that offer them a lenient experience if they become involved with the criminal justice system. If the only repercussions that a thug has to worry about when he commits an armed robbery are a one-year prison term and a fine, then the robbery is obviously worth the risk.

The core tenet of the leftist viewpoint towards crime is that offenders commit illegal acts because they are living in an unfair society. The typical leftist attitude towards crime is that human beings do not have much agency or responsibility for what they do, especially if they are an ethnic minority or of a lower socioeconomic class. According to leftists, the primary causes of criminal conduct are external societal and economic factors rather than internal, volitional, and character-based ones. Long story short, leftists make all kinds of faux-intellectual rationalizations for bad behavior and bad people.

With a left-wing extremist like Alvin Bragg as head prosecutor, 2022 is unlikely bring a restoration of law and order in NYC. Instead, innocent civilians are probably going to be preyed upon at levels that we have not seen since the crime-riddled 1970s and 1980s. With Democrat Eric Adams enforcing mandatory vaccination and Democrat Alvin Bragg permitting dangerous criminals to walk free, New York City will continue to devolve into a technocratic, fascist, and oppressive medical apartheid regime that crushes the average law-abiding citizen and coddles killers, drug dealers, robbers, thieves, vandals, carjackers, pimps, and prostitutes.


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