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Claudel L.


pAnDeMic oF thE uNVacCinAtEd. Kick rocks if you believe that

How can anyone call this a “pandemic of the unvaccinated'' when Gibraltar has not eliminated Covid-19 even though over 100% of its population is “fully vaccinated?” I'll say it again. Over 100% of their population is jabbed. I feel as though some type of joke should be made right about now but there is really nothing to laugh about even though this is all so ridiculous. To clarify, the reason that the percentage of vaccinated individuals is recorded as being above 100% is because some non-residents in Gibraltar are counted among those who have been “fully vaccinated.” Even if we exclude those non-residents, the vaccination rate nevertheless stands at a whopping 99%. So that doesn't change the calculus here, nor does it change the fact that a blind man can see that this is not a pandemic of the unvaccinated.

The health dictators tell the masses that the “unvaccinated” are the problem. They say that day in and day out. Yet there's a tiny region named Gibraltar that is overflowing with mRNA injected people and is still seeing cases rise. As a matter of fact, Gibraltar is doing so poorly with regards to the illness that the government just effectively canceled this year’s Christmas celebrations. The government is “strongly urging” people not to hold private Christmas gatherings. What the hell? But everyone complied and got vaccinated! Everyone in Gibraltar went and got the jab so why is the government still spreading paranoia about the virus? Why are cases still going up in Gibraltar if a 100% vaccination rate is supposed to be the golden ticket to ending the pandemic? The simple truth is the experimental shots just don’t work and the virus/vaccination program is a corporate elite power grab. Nothing more and nothing less.

Naturally, no vaccine is going to be able to eliminate a disease on its own. The reasonable expectation for most vaccination programs is a significant reduction of disease transmission until the reproduction rate required for the pathogen to spread in a population falls below a certain threshold. By that point, there should be enough people who have acquired natural immunity and acquired adequate passive immunity from the vaccine to end the contagion. The process of eradicating or severely reducing a contagious disease normally takes several years and doing so requires more than just vaccinations. It should not be a draconian, rushed, and reckless affair such as what we have now. The common sense strategy requires using proven therapeutics, healthy behaviors, sanitation, and other disease-reducing factors to complement the vaccination regimen.

Truth be told, the current vaccination program is nothing but an abject failure. And a dangerous and risky failure at that. But that's not surprising though. At least not to me. If you force billions of human beings to take a brand new, minimally tested exotic concoction, then you should expect to see unpleasant results such as an overall increase in illness and death.

So pandemic of the unvaccinated my ass. It seems that the higher the vaccination rate, the more people come down with the disease that the vaccinations are allegedly made to prevent. For example, highly vaccinated Singapore, Israel, Cambodia, Mongolia, Seychelles, and Portugal have all seen spikes in illness for the entire duration of their overzealous vaccination projects. I will review Singapore, Israel, Cambodia, and Mongolia here in Part I.

Singapore had an "unusual surge" of cases in October although the country was around 84% “fully vaccinated” back then and 14% of eligible individuals had received a booster dose. Please tell me how that makes any sense. In Israel, around 62% of the population is considered to be fully jabbed. And Israel was the first nation to roll out booster shots and currently leads the world in triple jabs. Nonetheless, Israel has experienced markedly worse spikes in Covid cases and deaths this year compared to last year when there were no vaccinations available. And as you might imagine, cases in Israel are on the rise yet again as November comes to a close. But rather than admitting that the shots are not helpful, the Israeli government is tripling and quadrupling down on their mass inoculation project. The government is now aggressively pushing booster shots to those who have already been jabbed and also moving on to inject young children with the experimental compounds.

Pandemic of the unvaccinated? Let's take a look at Cambodia. A large majority of Cambodians have been complying with the vaccination program. Currently, Cambodia is around 80% fully vaccinated. But the country has experienced around 4 surges in cases and 2 major surges in deaths this year. But here’s the weird thing. Cambodia had essentially zero covid cases and deaths last year. That was before the vaccinations arrived. The same odd phenomenon has occurred in Mongolia. That country was likewise doing just fine throughout all of 2020. However, once the Mongolian government started mass vaccinating Mongolians at a breakneck pace, Mongolia started experiencing surges of Covid cases and deaths. Mongolia has experienced around 3 spikes of Covid cases and deaths in 2021.

So what gives? Were Cambodia and Mongolia not counting cases and deaths in 2020 or something? I mean, that is possible, but what purpose would that have served? If the Cambodian and Mongolian governments wanted to convince their citizens that the Covid shots were absolutely essential, they would have resorted to deceit and falsely labeled non-Covid respiratory illnesses as Covid-19, like the United States has notoriously done. The more plausible explanation is that they were better off without giving out these shots at all.

This is not a damn pandemic of the unvaccinated. I have more to say in Part II.


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