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Claudel L.

PAR FOR THE COURSE: Racist Black Lesbian "Lectures" at Yale

In September, Yale welcomed a black lesbian hate-monger to “educate” the student body. In a normal society, people would be boycotting Yale for allowing this.

This particular incident happened because Yale’s director of diVeRsiTy aNd iNcLuSiOn, Yaseen Eldik, invited a so-called "diversity trainer" named Ericka Hart to campus. Before I continue, let me just say that neither the diversity and inclusion position nor the diversity trainer position should exist. They are just paid positions for racist radicals and that's all there is to it.

Ericka Hart, the imbecile that Yale invited (and probably paid), proceeded to say the most nonsensical, depraved, and low-IQ things about whites and even about Jews that I have ever read. Ericka should not be giving talks at Ivy League universities. It's extremely disturbing that she has almost 500k followers on her Instagram. A person like Ericka should be receiving round-the-clock therapy in a mental institution. She should not be out and about "educating" anybody about anything.

Here are some of the absurd claims she made during her bizarro world presentation:

1) The FBI intentionally distorts statistics to exaggerate hate crimes against Jews because anti-Semitism is a form of 'anti-blackness' (She is probably one of those lunatics who believes that BLACK PEOPLE are the true Jews)

2) "Perfectionism," "objectivity," "a sense of urgency," and "the written word," are examples of white supremacy.

3) To dismantle white supremacy culture, society needed to abolish prisons, but imprison former President Donald Trump. (Of course)

4) "Punctuality" is a white trait. (Because being late is strictly for people who aren't white)

5) Biology is a 'racist pseudoscience created by white people to further their dominance' and that 'race is a social construct.'

Ericka also describes herself as the following: A non-binary femme, kinky, white neighborhood survivor, as well as a breast cancer and sexual assault survivor with family ancestry derived from the Transatlantic Slave Trade. She clearly has a lot going on. I actually read up on her a little bit and she does have some poignant stories to share, such as having to undergo a double mastectomy in order to beat breast cancer. That's some inspiring stuff. However, Yale University should be ashamed of itself for exploiting her racial radicalism to push a certain race-based agenda.

On the bright side, Ericka's pathetic excuse for a presentation apparently received very low reviews from those who actually attended her preposterous event. According to the Washington Free Beacon, "on a scale of 1-10, the most common score for the training was a "1."

Yale knows what they are doing when they hire people like this, simple and plain. And Yale is complicit in furthering this garbage that many young people are actually buying into. Yale's administration consistently invites mentally unstable anti-white race radicals to give talks at the school. That is a fact. Just a few months ago, Yale invited a different anti-white lunatic to speak to students. In April 2021, a mentally deranged psychiatrist named Aruna Khilanani gave a virtual talk to Yale University medical students titled "The Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind" in which she admitted that she has violent fantasies about shooting and killing white people. One would think that after an egregious incident like this, where someone admits they have murderous intentions against another race that Yale would make a concerted effort to stop people like that from giving talks at their institution. But that is far from the case.

Yale's Director of Diversity and Inclusion. Of course his Tweets are protected.

Yale shamelessly continues to invite and pay psychos like Ericka Hart and Aruna Khilanani to come to its school and push radical Marxist thoughts, race hatred, and various absurdities. But here's a plot twist, I’m actually a free speech advocate. If Yale wants to continue to push anti-white, and perhaps more surprisingly, anti-Jewish hate at their school, they can go right ahead. However, Yale shouldn’t be rewarded or celebrated for it. Yale should not be viewed with respect as a place of learning anymore. It should take significant economic hits and suffer from reduced enrollment due to its support for objectively evil beliefs. If Yale's administration is okay with allowing harebrained morons to deliver aggressive and violent speeches against other races and ethnicities at their college, then they should be ostracized.

It is clear that Yale openly encourages race-based Marxist rhetoric to indoctrinate its students and create a legion of 21st century Bolsheviks in America. At a certain point, it's no longer a "scandal," it's just an integral part of the school's mission. That's is why places like Yale have "Diversity and Inclusion departments." And that's why they bring in lunatics like Ericka. This is not a damn scandal, it is now standard procedure. And not only for Yale, but it is the new norm for the Ivy league currently (here's an example). They're all pushing Critical Race trash. It would have been a scandal if the Yale administration was genuinely unaware of the kinds of people being invited on campus to lecture the students. But that is not the case. The Yale administration is fully aware of the divisive and hate-fueled agenda that it is promoting.

Here's the funny part. At the same time that Yale is doing this, if a so-called "BIPOC" gets called a racial slur at the school, you would see Yale groveling and genuflecting to "BIPOC" activists, calling for "an end to systemic racism.” Despite the fact that Yale is fully racist against whites. Yale is a totally Marxist institution that pushes racial hatred against white folks as part of its Communist agenda to dismantle the foundations of America. There is no other explanation for what they have repeatedly done.


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