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Claudel L.


I've been saying the same thing for 2 years and counting because it has been OBVIOUS to me what the agenda is. But for a variety of reasons, it hasn't been obvious to most. It's been a very lonely and frustrating journey.

Many people simply REFUSE to see that the shots have absolutely nothing to do with bettering people's health. Au contraire, they are intended for: enforcing social control, fostering herd mentality and behavioral compliance, pushing forth mass depopulation, enriching the pharmaceutical industry, centralizing government authority, using human beings as test subjects for nanotechnology, and more.

In an interview last week with the Washington Post, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla confessed that the entire mRNA vaccine project has been a shot in the dark and that he had no idea what would happen when people took the injections.

In the discussion, Bourla stated that it was actually "counterintuitive" to use mRNA technology to fight the virus because Pfizer as a company had far greater experience with traditional vaccines. Yes, he really said this. But for some reason (money and curiosity), Pfizer decided to try gene-based mRNA jabs. Bourla even confessed that there had never been a “single product” containing mRNA technology ever released to the public before Pfizer-BioNTech started handing them out like candy:

"mRNA was a technology which we had less experience - only 2 years working on this, and actually mRNA was the technology that NEVER delivered, a single product until that day, not a vaccine, not any other medicine” -Albert Bourla

Albert Bourla, the man of the hour himself, said that he didn’t know if it was a good idea to release the mRNA vaccinations to the general public. He said that because they had only been studied for 2 years and they were still being investigated. What more evidence does anyone need to see that they are taking part in an unsolicited global medical experiment?

It’s really frustrating when I see people refusing to see the truth about this and continuing to “trust the science.” But it’s understandable why they can’t see the truth. Big Pharma, the medical establishment, the political establishment, and mass media, have flooded the ether with lies and propaganda about the jabs since day one. But it’s time to wake up. So WAKE UP.

Now that Albert Bourla has told the absolute truth about the jabs, will people finally agree with me when I say that these shots should be recalled and that this entire unethical project should be scrapped? Contrary to what they may say, nobody in Pfizer-BioNTech actually knows if the shots are safe or effective because they are figuring that out right now by testing them on the general public.

I will also mention that I don’t believe that that developing and distributing an investigational mRNA injection was a "very difficult" decision for Bourla to make as he stated in the Washington Post interview. That's just another lie. How difficult could it have been? Trump’s Operation Warp Speed paid Pfizer $1.95B to produce 100 million doses of the mRNA shot. That was more than enough incentive to put an experimental inoculation on the market. At the end, the prospect of Pfizer receiving billions of dollars in easy revenue convinced Bourla that it was a good idea. It's really that simple. And so far, Bourla's gamble has paid off. Pfizer made $24.3B in revenue as of November 2021, shattering their usual yearly numbers. Moreover, he didn’t have to worry about whether it would receive FDA approval. Of course it would, since the former FDA head Scott Gottlieb is a board member at Pfizer.

By the way, Bourla’s “moonshot” is still being given to young children as we speak. Why parents are allowing their children to be experimented on is beyond my comprehension. It’s just so sad. A recent study conducted in the state of New York revealed that the Pfizer-BioNTech shot was only 12% effective in preventing infection among kids aged 5 to 11. Mind you, this paltry performance is from the shot that Bourla’s team “convinced” him was just so incredible that it had to bypass standard regulations and be rushed out to the public.

But no matter.

For Bourla and his ilk, poor results mean more vaccines. On Sunday March 13th, he said a fourth booster shot is necessary. Can you believe it? Well, of course you can. He said that a fourth shot is needed because the existing injections wear off and become totally useless over time. For Bourla, poor results don’t mean failure. Poor results mean more taxpayer money going into his pockets and into the pockets of his co-conspirators in Big Pharma. Poor results mean more gaslighting from the mainstream media machine and more brainwashing.

In spite of all of these deceptions, the truth is that millions of people around the globe have been negatively impacted by the mRNA shots and tens of thousands have perished directly from them. Albert Bourla is guilty of crimes against humanity, but it’s not just him. Everyone on the Pfizer-BioNTech team and everyone in the Big Pharma industry who has pushed and is continuing to push these unsafe and ineffective shots onto the human population are equally as culpable as he is.


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