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Claudel L.

PRISON?? But I’m OPPRESSED!: Crazed MURDERER Calls For SLAVERY REPARATIONS After Burger King Slaying

The handcuffed killer revealed that he is an avid subscriber to the “Oppressed Black Man in America” narrative as he was perp walked into a police vehicle after being arrested and charged with the vicious murder of a 19-year-old female fast food worker during an armed robbery.

The overlapping ideologies of “restorative justice,” “white supremacy," "white privilege,” “anti-racism,” "police abolition," and “systemic oppression,” are directly responsible for the recent uptick in homicides, rapes, assaults, robberies, and other terrible acts being perpetrated against innocent civilians in New York City and elsewhere in the United States. The common objective tying all of those puerile ideas together is the burning desire to concoct all kinds of theories to rationalize and provide excuses for the exorbitant and alarming rate of black crime in America while determinedly avoiding the placement of any responsibility for it on black people themselves.

As a case in point, Winston Glynn, the cold-blooded animal who killed the innocent teenager over $100 in East Harlem had the gall to act as though he was the real victim during his perp walk outside of a police precinct on Friday. While angry bystanders rightfully and justifiably screamed at him, Wynn yelled back at them while pulling the race card. First, he shouted, "Why am I guilty?!" Gee, I don't know why you're guilty. Maybe it is because you were caught on camera shooting and killing someone. But I'm no expert.

Next, the brazen killer hollered over his surgical mask at the crowd, calling for “reparations for 400 years of f*cking slavery,” and howling about how “nig*as are charged with crimes everyday.” Winston Glynn’s inane rant reveals that he views himself as a black victim of racism and oppression in America and doesn’t feel as though he deserves to be punished for his actions. "Why am I guilty?" he asks after being caught for a vicious homicide. And not only does Glynn believe that he does not deserve punishment, he actually thinks that he deserves reparations, even though he was an EBT-recipient.

Glynn’s aggrieved attitude is a spitting image of the BLM/black-activist position towards American society in general, which they view as being Eurocentric and unfair to blacks. People of that mindset truly think that black people effectively have the right to burn, loot, and murder as much as they please because the system has “held them back” for 400 YEARS. Wynn’s attitude is really no different than the attitude of many far left activists who want to burn down the country and destroy its history because they think that it’s inherently racist. In fact, Winston Glynn literally echoed Al Sharpton when he complained about being a slave for 400 years.

At George Floyd’s funeral service in 2020, multi-millionaire Al Sharpton made the comical claim that all black people in America had endured 401 years of having knees on their necks.

“George Floyd’s story has been the story of Black folks, because ever since 401 years ago, the reason we could never be who we wanted and dreamed of being is you kept your knee on our neck.”

Winston Glynn probably agreed with the likes of “pro-black” activists like Al Sharpton, which only served to fuel his anger and increase his sense of aggrieved entitlement. If the system is so bad, and so unfair, and so racist towards black people, then America should in fact “burn” as Glynn so eloquently screeched while he was being led to the police car. Why not commit all kinds of crimes to seek revenge against four centuries of white oppression? Why not prove that the system has no real power over black men by murdering someone and then showing no remorse for it?

Hopefully Winston Glynn receives a very long prison sentence. He should never see the light of day again. But with a leftist extremist like Alvin Bragg as the District Attorney, don’t hold your breath. He may be back on the streets sooner rather than later.

Rest in Peace to Kristal Bayron-Nieves and condolences to her family.


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