I don’t consider any Trump supporter a threat to the country,” Joe Biden said, a day after delivering one of the most divisive and vilifying Presidential speeches in modern American history. He further added that he has issues with threats of violence (from who?) and with Americans who cast any doubt on his 81 million votes (why can’t an election be questioned?). He also repeated his new favorite word “democracy” multiple times. Over this Labor Day Weekend, the old man walked back his walk back 😂. But does President Biden personally believe what he has been saying? Between his cognitive decline and his mixed messaging it's sort of hard to tell.
The key question is: who does believe that Donald Trump and his MAGA movement are a terroristic threat to the United States and “democracy?” In my view, I believe that Biden's speech is an official public statement that documents and reflects the ideological stance of America's ruling elite. But why do they believe that? I will be delving into these questions in this post and in a couple more posts.

Joe Biden's primetime speech concerning the “Soul of the Nation” on Thursday September 1st was unprecedented in American history. The rapidly aging leader gave millions of Americans an unusual and unwarranted tongue-lashing from his Presidential pulpit. With the possible exception of the Civil War era, no American President has ever singled out an entire group of voters and labeled them as enemies of the State. Furthermore, by directly attacking former President Trump, Biden became the only active American President to ever impugn and lambaste a prior President in such a direct way. What Joe Biden did in Independence Hall was twice as bad as his shameful speech last year in which he called out “unvaccinated” Americans and told them that his “patience [was] wearing thin.” Joe Biden’s dictatorial September 1st speech was a naked abuse of his authority that will go down in infamy as a part of a cascading chain of events in what will almost certainly be the fall of the American Republic.
The brazen anti-MAGA rhetoric from the White House was a stunning and very alarming development in what has been a very tense 10 to 12 years of rapidly increasing polarization in American culture and politics. Biden declared in no short terms that MAGA Republicanism is not an acceptable political movement. Consequently, ardent Trump supporters are now effectively persona non grata in the United States. Allow me to emphasize the unusual level of political radicalism and partisan animus that we are witnessing here by saying that I have zero doubt that if it were Constitutionally possible, then any written, verbal, or visual support for Donald Trump online or offline would be a criminal offense. Donald Trump would be barred from holding any more rallies and all pro-Trump America-First candidates would be banned from running for public office. Trump's opponents are trying to circumvent these limitations by bringing criminal charges against him, which would make him politically unviable. To be quite frank, the only things standing in the way of Stalin-esque single party rule are the American Constitution and the American judiciary.

All that being said, it is important to understand that anything that Joe Biden officially says doesn’t necessarily represent what he personally believes. All of his formal statements represent the official stance of the current American ruling class. He is simply parroting what the ruling elite believes. The American ruling class celebrates left-wing ideologies and it includes various entities. For starters, Biden’s entire Cabinet which includes the likes of Merrick Garland, Antony Blinken, Lloyd Austin, Alejandro Mayorkas, and Ron Klain, believe that MAGA needs to be stamped out. The disdain for Trump’s supporters trickles all the way down from the White House to military brass, the FBI, the CIA, and other intelligence agencies in the country. Most of the mainstream media, especially MSNBC and CNN, believes that all Trump supporters need to be silenced and that some should probably be sent to prison. Many people that lead institutions of higher learning, especially in the Ivy Leagues, teach their students that MAGA is a far-right hate movement and that they need to shun Trump supporters. Big Tech oligarchs at Facebook and Twitter and powerful CEOs at Google and most of Silicon Valley also despise the MAGA movement. The vast majority of movie makers in Hollywood and virtually all late night television hosts don't like Trump or his supporters. I could keep going on and on.
The bottom line is that the American mainstream, the present political regime, and the deep state establishment vehemently oppose Americans who support Trump or sympathize with the spirit of Trumpism. I will delve further into these points in Part 2.