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Claudel L.

The Deeper Meaning of Biden's Anti-MAGA Speech (Part 2)

The real Joe Biden, or whatever is left in the husk of a man that dodders around larping as the leader of the free world, very likely doesn’t really believe what he said in his unprecedented primetime speech on September 1st. Deep down, in the dank and dark chambers of his heart, he knows that Trump supporters aren’t really a terrorist threat to “democracy.”

Joe Biden is simply a vessel through which the true power brokers of America can inform the masses about what their ideology is. While Joe Biden the man might not truly believe what he said, the regime that has propped him up believes every word. “American democracy” stands for homosexuality, hypersensuality, transgenderism, abortion, radical feminism, foreign imperialism, excessive taxation, unfettered Third-World immigration, racial “equity,” and anti-White multiculturalism. In modern “American democracy,” it is not permissible to openly oppose those things because the usurpers, who have hijacked control of this once respectable nation don’t have any tolerance for dissent. That is why there is so much censorship in this alleged “democracy,” which is really just a euphemism that obfuscates the steady and unrelenting decimation and repudiation of the traditional American way. MAGA supporters are viewed as existential threats to the decadent and twisted system that the hostile American regime is constructing and that’s why all things MAGA-related need to be subdued and eliminated.

And while it is true that non-white MAGA voters do annoy the American establishment, their primary beef is with white MAGA voters. That is why they purposely framed the January 6th “insurrection” as a “white supremacist” attack on the Capitol even though an overwhelming majority of the people who stormed the Capitol were neither white supremacists nor affiliated with any white supremacist organizations or movements. Moreover, the people who attended the rally in D.C. to support Trump were regular folks from a wide variety of racial groups.

The usurpers of the American nation despise the white, European male founders of the country. That attitude can be seen both tacitly and explicitly. With the Biden regime in particular, it has been mostly tacit. While Biden administration officials may give superficial nods to the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the American Revolution, overt references or odes to the Founding Fathers are minimal and few and far between. And they don’t ever go into specifics if they do refer to the Founding documents. They mainly focus on the "all men are created equal" portion of the Declaration to push their egalitarian, but anti-white, agenda.

Note how nobody in the Biden administration or really anywhere in the mainstream ever specifically praises the Founding Fathers, all of whom were courageous, brilliant, and wise white men. When is the last time you heard anyone in this current administration quote George Washington, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, James Monroe, John Adams, or go into any detail about what Thomas Jefferson or Andrew Jackson stood for in any great detail? The answer is never. They don’t do that because they don’t actually respect those men. They don’t actually revere the foundational principles nor do they respect the actual men who came up with those principles primarily because they were white Anglo-Saxons. Donald Trump praised those men all the time, and that was part of the reason why he had to get subverted and undermined at every turn. I will continue this discussion in the next post.


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