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Claudel L.

The Netherlands Enter A HARD LOCKDOWN Just In Time For Christmas and New Year's

The timing here by the Dutch government is not a mistake. Cracking down on people during the Holiday season is designed to create an extreme level of demoralization that can only be accomplished when people's emotions are at their peak.

Leadership all over Europe is manufacturing widespread panic over the so-called "Omicron variant" even though the available data on the variant, if it even exists, has shown it to be a relatively mild strain. Nonetheless, the Netherlands has just announced a hard lockdown for all Dutch citizens which is allegedly going to last through the Christmas holiday up until January 14, 2022. As we should all know by now, end dates mean nothing because deadlines can be extended at the arbitrary discretion of government officials. This is happening even though the vaccination rate is over 75% in the Netherlands. This is a terrifying situation because this "pandemic" has been going on for nearly two years but the measures being used to "end it" have done anything but that. What has been actually been ended is human freedom. This is mostly a pandemic of despotism. And human history has shown that complying with the whims of corrupt tyrants never ends well.

If you live in Holland, you are currently facing the following:

1) Closure of all "non-essential" stores, bars, and restaurants

2) Closure of schools and universities until January 9th

3) An indoor limitation of 2 visitors to private residences (4 outside visitors are allowed on Christmas day and New Year's Day because the Dutch leadership is so kind-hearted)

These iron-fisted measures come on the heels of a "partial lockdown" which was imposed in the Netherlands in late November. During the partial lockdown, bars, restaurants and supermarkets were forced to close at 8pm and "non-essential" shops had to close at 6pm. Social gatherings were limited to a very scientifically based 13 people, mask wearing was enforced, remote work was encouraged, and all professional sports were played without live spectators.

The civilian backlash from the November announcement was extremely violent. Protesters took to the streets and the situation devolved into full-scale rioting. Angry demonstrators threw rocks and fireworks at law enforcement and burned police cars. Several people were injured during the partial-lockdown riots, including Dutch police officers. The demonstrations became so severe that Dutch police actually opened gunfire on the protesters, wounding at least two individuals.

Nonetheless, the unaccountable tyrants that are in charge of this totalitarian global domination scheme are unaffected by mass demonstrations. Even when they become violent, they remain defiant and unfazed. Dutch leaders are so unperturbed by mass protests that they had the temerity to enact a complete lockdown just a few weeks after the partial lockdown. Essentially, they don’t care how unpopular the covid measures are because they know that they have almost complete control over the population at the present time. The current situation is akin to a fish that has been hooked by a bait. Barring a miracle, the fish is going to be captured and eaten. Billions of ordinary people around the globe are the fish, and a large quantity of those people have taken the bait. The best window of opportunity for halting this global takeover was in March 2020 when these illegal measures were first being applied. Unfortunately, most people were too overwhelmed by fear and panic over the "novel" coronavirus to resist, so they surrendered their rights.

That is why no matter how many people take the streets and scream "Freedom!" at the top of their lungs, the anti-democratic leadership refuses to back down. Just look at places like Italy or Germany. Those countries have people on the streets marching against forced vaccination almost every single day. Yet hose efforts have been to no avail. The only response from the government that the demonstrators seem to receive is an increasingly firm grip around their necks.

It's going to take a lot more than citizen pushback to stop this overwhelming assault on human rights and human dignity. Sadly, I tend to believe that much of the EU is a lost cause. Not only do the people who live there have to deal with their oppressive national leadership, but they also have to deal with the supranational European Commission, which is filled with unelected elites who want to enslave humanity and are eager to use the "pandemic" as an excuse to do it. I think that people in the U.S. need to take heed of the suffering being experienced by the people in Europe instead of engaging in mindless entertainment and other petty distractions. We have to stop pretending that total subjugation is not on the way. The very same measures that are being implemented in the Netherlands are going to be implemented all over the United States if collective action is not taken now to prevent it.


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