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Claudel L.


Transgenderism is quickly becoming our values and who we are...

Lia Thomas, a biological man, won an NCAA Division I title after finishing first in a women's 500-yard freestyle event with a record time of 4:33.24.

Rachel Levine, a biological male who is currently serving as the Assistant Secretary of Health, was honored as one of USA TODAY’s Women of the Year.

Last summer, the first openly transgender Olympians competed in Tokyo, the most notable of whom was a biological man named Laurel Hubbard, who competed in the weightlifting category.

Okay. What in the hell is going on?

There is no doubt that all of this is unsettling, abnormal, weird, absurd, and jarring. Any rational, normal person would incredulously look at "Lia" Thomas and “Rachel” Levine and experience significant cognitive dissonance. Even some people who support transgenderism may look at these recent insane events and admit, “okay fine, it is a bit much.” And "a bit much" would be a severe understatement. The recent and aggressive acceleration of the transgender agenda is nothing less than an attack on reason and a full-scale assault on basic societal norms. Nobody in their right mind truly thinks that it is fine and dandy for a biological man who identifies as a woman to compete in sports with biological women. It goes without saying that it’s not fair and it doesn’t make any sense. Moreover, no normal thinking person would look at “Rachel” Levine and say that Levine deserves to receive awards and accolades that are reserved for biological women. None of this is acceptable, yet Americans are being forced to accept it.

It is beyond a shadow of a doubt that transgenderism has gone too far, just like every other key issue that social conservatives were supposed to prevent from going too far. Protests and objections coming from so-called conservatives have no force and no effect. They're pathetic and impotent. The anti-trans remonstrations coming from the mainstream right looks less like organized and formidable opposition and more like petulant and puerile whining. The pushback against transgenderism and other LGBT initiatives is coming far too late in the game. At this stage, the transgender program is moving forward with alacrity and there is no major obstacle standing in the way. Social conservatives should have drawn a line in the sand years ago, but they didn't. Many of them espoused the libertarian belief that it is totally okay to be a transgender person because, "just do you, as long as it doesn't bother me or anyone else." That is the familiar, but false, refrain. That's not how society works.

Sorry right-wingers and true feminists. The year is 2022 and it’s time to wake up and smell the coffee. Transgenderism has become the new American way and the new American value. It has become much more than just a personal situation for a very small minority of people. It has become a ubiquitous movement with a multi-billion dollar industry behind it. A mere ten years ago, there were barely any gender clinics for children. Now there are over 200 such clinics that offer gender reassignment surgery, puberty blockers, and other similar services to kids. Mainstream organizations such as the Babylon Bee and individuals such as Charlie Kirk and Tucker Carlson are getting booted off Twitter (the modern-day public square) for joking about or speaking out against the trans agenda.

Ladies and gentlemen (emphasis on ladies and gentlemen), we are in dire straits. Major colleges such as Harvard University teach students that there are more than two genders. “Gender-neutral” bathrooms have become ubiquitous. Protesting and whining won’t do much good because very wealthy individuals and powerful institutions support the normalization of transgenderism in the United States and abroad. I hate to say it but at this point, resistance is effectively futile.


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