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Claudel L.

TRUMP RAIDED BY THE FBI. Very Unfair, Very Unfortunate.

Trump 2024? How? That is nothing more than a quixotic pipe dream; a fantasy. And sadly, that’s probably all it will ever be. He’s not even allowed to use Twitter, for goodness sakes. Trump fans should be more concerned about his safety than on his future in politics.

When Donald Trump was President, he had two major problems to deal with that he never actually dealt with. First, he promised to tackle social media censorship. But he failed to do that. Trump didn’t make any serious efforts to curb the issue even when large numbers of his most loyal supporters were getting deplatformed. Trump’s inaction ended up biting him in the rear when he himself got kicked off all the major social media platforms. After he got banned, Trump was understandably furious, but he should have seen it coming. Second, he promised to “Drain the Swamp” and root out corruption in the Deep State. He even hinted that he would have Hillary Clinton arrested for illegally spying on his campaign. But he failed to do any of those things as well.

The reality is that Donald Trump is the one getting Drained by the Swamp. Donald Trump spent about four years being crucified in the media and getting harassed by the DOJ and the FBI. He even obtained the ignominious distinction of being the only U.S. President to get impeached twice. And now, the beleaguered ex-President just got his home raided by the same FBI that made his life pure hell while he was in the White House. Again, he should have seen it coming. But it’s almost like… he couldn’t stop any of it from happening. And that would be the correct conclusion to make. Trump never could really take action in the first place. Even if he wanted to. Why? Well, he never had the power to do that. That’s why.

America is not set up in a way in which one person can accrete power and establish a dictatorship. And only through a dictatorship can one possibly “Drain the Swamp.” A dictator can have their enemies thrown in prison, exiled, or even killed. But that can’t happen in America. We don’t have that kind of system here. In other words, Donald Trump was never going to “drain” anything. The only way he could have done it was if all of the institutional power was in his hands. Which it wasn’t. In America, the President actually has very little power. Every American President is a figurehead. Giant media company bosses, Federal Reserve bankers, intelligence agents, billionaire political donors, special interest lobbyists, and big tech oligarchs are just a few of the many entities that have more institutional power than the American President. Donald Trump built up his fortune by being a uniquely great salesman. And he sold himself very high. He truly did. Trump made people feel as if he had a lot of power due to his unique personality, his demeanor, his anti-establishment rhetoric, and his immense star power. But that’s all that it ever really was. Just a feeling. Just an illusion.

Trump continues to talk a very big game in 2022. And in doing so, he makes himself appear as though he is the Dark Knight or something. But the truth is that things aren’t looking good for him. Unfortunately, he’s a doubly impeached ex-President who has no social media presence. He is a rich and famous civilian who is being investigated by a weaponized, lawless, and vindictive DOJ and FBI. One could make the argument that he’s more vulnerable now than he’s ever been in his entire life. Trump is not a superhero and he’s not going to save America. He can’t. It would be absurd to still believe that Donald Trump is going to win back the Presidency after this latest incident. Anyone who still thinks that he can still run for President and actually win in 2024 is hopelessly delusional. Donald Trump is currently powerless. If he actually had power, then: 1) he would still be on Twitter, 2) he wouldn’t be getting investigated by the NY Attorney General, and 3) he wouldn't be getting raided by the FBI.


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