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U.S. Protests and Riots Arc: Part II, Section I: The Disgraceful (but Deliberate) Double Standard

Mass rioting and looting is American, noble, benevolent but civilized dissent is un-American, ignoble, and selfish?

“GeorgeFloyd-BlackLivesMatter-Protest-in-Oakland-California” by Daniel Arauz licensed under CC BY 2.0

Ever since the riots started breaking out this past week, I have not heard too many major complaints by the media being levied against the shameful criminals who are now wreaking havoc across the country. There seems to be little to no real concern about the lack of “social distancing” or the inconsistent use of masks. Violent criminals are burning and pillaging cities across United States after an act of police brutality that upset most regular people also managed to trigger the most radical and delinquent elements of American society. However, many in the media and in government do not dare condemn the lawbreakers too strongly. They are probably too afraid to do so now that ethnic minorities are largely involved. Actually, some celebrities have managed to find a way to justify the barbarity that is taking place and effectively foment the rioting. Empty-headed and totally degenerate rapper Cardi B asserted that the rioters have “no choice” but to set fire to police cars, destroy and deface property, commit widespread theft, and physically threaten and harm people. In one of the most comical yet most poignant examples of political correctness and total lack of integrity, MSNBC’s Ali Velshi informed viewers that the Minneapolis protests were not “generally speaking unruly” while standing in front of a burning building. On CBSN, raging radical leftist Nikole Hannah Jones argued that “destroying property, which can be replaced, is not violence.” The news anchor who was hosting her sat there, behaving as though he was deeply moved as Jones shared her irrational and deranged beliefs. It was really a sad sight.

“Black Lives Matter Rally” by David Geitgey Sierralupe is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The same people who were infuriated a few weeks ago when anti-lockdown protesters broke the rules of quarantine suddenly seem quite supportive of people exercising their first amendment right to protest. Celebrities like Justin Timberlake and Janelle Monae have donated money towards bailing out people who are arrested for all levels of criminal activity that might take place during the demonstrations. What happened to #StayHome#StaySafe? Presidential candidate Joe Biden’s spokeswoman said that the protesters should “rise up,” whatever that means. In fact, Joe Biden’s staff recently donated to a group that is paying bail fees in Minneapolis after riots overwhelmed the city. New York’s corrupt governor Andrew Cuomo affirmed the other day that he “stands with the protesters.” But interestingly, just a few weeks back, Cuomo had little patience for the coronavirus demonstrators who assembled outside of the New York State Capitol building to peacefully protest his strict coronavirus restrictions. Cuomo sarcastically addressed them during a press conference where he said: “You want to go to work? Go take a job as an essential worker. Do it tomorrow.” Not only did the haughty governor summarily dismiss their concerns but he was extremely rude about it. Even though the dangerous lunatics who are annihilating New York City right now are the ones who deserved to be mocked, Cuomo would never say anything remotely as disrespectful to them. What a great leader, that Cuomo.

The blatant double standard is just as Dan Bongino put it on Twitter. It has everything to do with ideology and most certainly, race. He wrote, “If a group of conservatives appeared regularly in liberal cities wearing black masks, carrying weapons & incendiaries, breaking windows, setting fires, attacking innocents, & looting, there’d be an outcry in the media to shut them down.” It is common knowledge that although conservatives come from various backgrounds, the majority of them are white. There is a strong “white guilt” movement that is currently in vogue among white liberals in academia, politics, and left-wing media. Because of that movement, whites who present themselves as being confident and proud Americans are roundly denounced in favor of self-flagellating whites who weep over their skin color and argue that America is a horrible country. As a result, any particular cause that is supported by white liberals is viewed in a far more favorable light than any cause that is championed by white conservatives. Virtually everyone can admit that this assessment is true.

I am old enough to remember how many people in the mainstream media were highly “disturbed” by the citizens protesting the coronavirus lockdown in places like Michigan, Ohio, New York, and California. According to numerous politicians, media networks, and celebrities, they were out of their minds. They were intimidating. They had no idea what they were doing. A Washington Post op-ed compared the protesters to Typhoid Mary. The USA Today warned readers that the coronavirus protesters were reckless fools who were “risking your health.” Spoiled elitist late-night talk-show host Jimmy Kimmel lampooned the protesters, snickering that “people are getting restless, especially the people who aren’t too bright.” He also added: “they want to die, and they’re taking us down with them. It’s like if the Titanic was headed towards the iceberg, and half of the passengers were like, ‘Can you please speed this thing up?’” For a super rich guy like Kimmel, those protests were pointless and hilarious. But post-George Floyd, Kimmel was on his show offering an emotional monologue in support of the protesters.

“IMG_0066a” by Becker1999 (Paul and Cathy) is licensed under CC BY 2.0

But contrary to what the media tried to portray, the coronavirus demonstrators around the country were actually model protesters. They did not loot, vandalize, or burn police cars. They did not attack or kill anyone. Harsh words were exchanged and some protesters walked directly up to police officers and fiercely berated them. But that was as far as the hostility went. There were no major physical confrontations and no mass arrests. And actually, many of the protesters were so cognizant and respectful of the law, that in spite of their anger, several of them did indeed maintain the ever so “important” social distancing by staying in their cars.

Many media pundits were excessively alarmed at the burly men in Michigan carrying large guns across their chests because Michigan is an open carry state. It is legal to walk around and display a legal firearm. It is illegal to point a weapon or threaten anyone with a gun, but it is legally permissible to show people that you have one, which is what several of the demonstrators did. It is also totally legal to enter the Michigan Capitol building with firearms as long “as long as the person is carrying the firearm with lawful intent and the firearm is not concealed.” The media tried to portray the event as being a violent insurrection, but no statutes were broken when the protesters “stormed” the Capitol building. Protests are meant to be intense and they are meant to be highly emotional as long as they remain within the boundaries of the law. The primary purpose of carrying firearms and directly confronting the state’s governance was to remind them that their constituents were not pathetic and helpless pushovers who could be dominated by the whims of the governor. But even though the citizens in Michigan ostensibly protested in the correct manner, they were widely derided, demonized, and lambasted for engaging in civilized dissent against the government.

“IMG_1601” by Becker1999 (Paul and Cathy) is licensed under CC BY 2.0

In contrast, the psychopaths currently smashing windows, raiding stores, burning buildings, and beating innocent people within an inch of their lives in broad daylight have not been righteously condemned in the same way that the Michigan protesters were. They are not “covidiots.” Somehow and someway, they are not critically endangering the public’s health. The mainstream media seems not to consider them to be too intimidating either. They’re just angry. They have legitimate grievances. The mainstream media refrains from calling them thugs or thieves because they consider such language to be incendiary. As I mentioned earlier, the media is sympathizing with savages, arguing that they are just expressing frustration from years of oppression and discontent. Some figures have even cherry-picked Martin Luther King Jr.’s quote that “riots are the voice of the unheard” from a speech in which he actually criticizes riots to justify the destruction that is taking place. The deliberate and politically motivated double standard is a real disgrace.

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