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Claudel L.

US Health Officials CLAMORED for a "Universal Flu Vaccine" just weeks before the Covid-19 outbreak


Yes this is a conspiracy. A massive and diabolical one with several layers. This is just one of the layers.

In 2019, the Milken Institute published an almost one-hour long video featuring a panel of so-called health experts who discussed their efforts at creating a universal flu vaccine

The medical industrial complex, the evil health bureaucrats, the pharmaceutical industry, and the vaccine companies have all been colluding for decades to create a scenario that would generate enough fear and panic to justify the abolition of the status quo and the implementation of a new global control grid centered around mass inoculations.

They have practiced their criminal takeover by running pandemic simulations like Operation Dark Winter in 2001, Operation Lockstep in 2010, and Crimson Contagion in 2019 to rehearse how to control billions of people through a virus. Unfortunately, these psychopathic freaks can largely be found in the upper echelons of society. They are in high positions of government like Congress and the State Department. They are clustered at research universities like Johns Hopkins and MIT. They are the heads of organizations like Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Center for Disease Control (CDC), and the Food & Drug Administration (FDA). They are deranged narcissists who think that they have a blank check to impose their vision of utopia on billions of human beings by brute force if necessary.

On October 29, 2019 a small group of these villains had one of their cabalistic gatherings (see it here) at the Milken Institute in Santa Monica, California. At this particular meeting, the participants discussed their strident efforts to create a Universal Flu Vaccine. The contributors to the panel were: Anthony Fauci Director of the of the NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases), former FDA chief Margaret Hamburg who is also the chairman of the AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science), Rick Bright the then head of BARDA, Michael Specter from the New Yorker, Bruce Gellin of the Sabin Vaccine Institute and the Rockefeller Institute, and Casey Wright, the CEO of the Flu Lab.

During their discussion, the pompous bureaucrats loudly lamented the fact that up to that point, they had not been able to generate enough fear and anxiety in the general population about the “dangers” of the flu virus to coax enough people to demand influenza vaccines. Specter pitifully whined that “people are not convinced enough to get flu vaccines” and he complained that the issue was not as salient in the minds of the general population as he would like it to be. Rick Bright concurred with him, saying that there was a dire need to inject a sense of urgency” to make the issue more relevant in the lives of ordinary Americans.

Specter then said something very crazy and very disconcerting. Turning his head to rest of the panel, he nonchalantly asked, “why don’t we blow this system up? We need disruption.” How scandalous. How evil. Shockingly, it got even worse. Just a few moments later, he ominously asked the panel the following question: “do we need to see lots of people die to have this sense of urgency?”

Say what? The guy is a total monster.

Out of all the health tyrants on the stage, Specter came across as being the most radical and the most vicious. Indeed, he fits the mold of the ultimate sociopathic utilitarian; a soulless individual who only sees the world in terms of scientific formulas and data points. Guys like him are truly the most dangerous when it comes to threatening individual liberty and basic human freedom. Specter then went on to speculate that perhaps the “nomenclature” about the flu virus wasn't effective and the panel at large supported that conjecture by admitting that the “public relations campaign” for flu awareness was the actual problem. Gellin moaned and groaned over the fact that people don’t panic when they get a “stomach bug,” because the concept does not inspire enough terror, and so they don’t feel the need to get shots in their arms.

Margaret Hamburg added that she was upset that federal regulators like the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) were not fully on board with spending time and resources on combating the flu. That was because FEMA did not consider it to be a national disaster. But that explanation really bothered her. She wanted the flu to be a national disaster. She wanted to market it that way to mobilize federal agencies to take drastic action. What a great person.

A few moments after that, the deranged Michael Specter conjured up the spectre of a deadly outbreak by wondering out loud if “something really bad has to happen” to convince people to take vaccines.

Well, I don’t know, Michael, maybe unleashing some sort of novel coronavirus would do the trick.

Dr. Fausti then chimed in and stating that it is a “big problem” that people like him have to “wait ten years to go through the regulatory process” of getting vaccines to the market. He felt that was too much to ask. He grumbled that it was much too cumbersome to go through the process of careful and lengthy clinical trials.

Following proper scientific protocol? Monitoring adverse events? Protecting human life? That’s an undue burden for Doctor Fausti.

More in PART II.


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