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Claudel L.

US health officials wanted a "Universal Flu Vaccine" just weeks before the Covid-19 outbreak PART II


In 2019, the Milken Institute published an almost one-hour long video featuring a panel of so-called health experts who discussed their efforts at creating a universal flu vaccine

The guy on the far left (pun intended) with the mic is Michael Myers. I mean, Michael Specter. He was the most radical of the group, surprisingly.

Read Part I Here

Immediately following Fauci’s insane ramblings, Michael 'Myers' Specter had a "eureka" moment. He realized oh, well maybe the federal government could financially incentivize industries to focus on flu vaccines by funneling money their way. Because of course, money talks. BARDA Chief Rick Bright strongly agreed with that assessment. He asserted that getting the federal government involved would be a good move in order to “prioritize faster vaccines” for influenza. He also emphasized that a “societal disruption” would be needed.

What could he have meant by that? A disruption? Could he have been suggesting a pandemic?

Fauci gleefully piggybacked on what Bright said, stating that his career as an HIV researcher was largely supported by the billions of dollars that the federal government channeled into that field of research. He said that the simple solution to the flu vaccine issue would be to have the federal government solely fixated on that particular topic in the same way that the government singled out the HIV issue. Casey Wright from the Flu Lab then had a light bulb go off over her head, ostensibly thanks to Fauci’s wit and charm. With wide beaming eyes, she talked about rolling out a “transformative product” for “everyone on this planet.” Oh, like a Covid-19 "vaccine"?

Casey Wright also warbled on about the need for “unprecedented collaboration” and “global collaboration.” Oh, by global collaboration did she mean having the United Nations commanding every nation on Earth to follow a specific script in pandemic management?

In the second half of the panel, Michael Specter magisterially announced that people like him had to do “something fundamentally different.” He asked his fellow panelists how they could get PhD students to divert their attention from other issues and start focusing their attention on flu research. Bright responded by saying that PhD students were not doing enough flu research because it just “was not sexy anymore” (what?) and that in order to make it “sexy” the field would have to be “disrupted.”

Bright continued by suggesting that an “entity of excitement” would have to be introduced that is “completely disruptive and not beholden to bureaucratic strings and processes.” I'm no mind reader, but I think he meant a dangerous pandemic that would push the FDA to allow the emergency use authorization of untested medical products, thus bypassing normal regulatory processes. But I'm just a regular guy. What do I know? Bright further mentioned that “we need to disrupt and deconstruct the old concept of vaccines.” He really likes the word disruption, and he also likes mRNA vaccines.

Nutcase Michael 'Myers' Specter (who honestly should be in a mental institution) then had to ask the panel one more chilling and frightening question. Because that's just what deranged people do. While referring to the Swine Flu pandemic in 2009, he asked: “If the 2009 pandemic had been more deadly, would that have been a better thing for humanity?

Say what?? This guy needs serious psychiatric help. He is a dangerous lunatic. He really needs to be on round-the-clock surveillance.

Unsurprisingly, the panel did not flinch, not even once, at his maniacal and callous question. Obviously they didn't react because none of them are actually human beings. Margaret Hamburg stated that the main solution would be to “create a situation that requires sustained action” and not just a temporary response that would fade. Well certainly, the Covid-19 pandemic has created the sustained response that she was looking for. What a coincidence.

At the end of the discussion, Rick Bright mentioned that if they could find some way to change the vaccine paradigm and “move away from using insect and egg cells” and “move towards using synthetic based vaccines” then he would be a much happier nutjob. (He didn't say that last part. But he basically did).

Bright even alluded to the possibility of a “novel avian virus” emerging from “China somewhere” (he really said that.) and then being able using the genetic material from that virus to create an mRNA vaccine that can be used worldwide. I mean holy cow, talk about being a fortune teller. Rick Bright really is very bright. Pun intended. Nostradamus that he is, it’s almost like he spoke that narrative into existence. This guy deserves the Nobel Prize just for that feat of prognostication.

Time is running out

*Deep breath.*

Basically, this is entirely a conspiracy to accomplish Klaus Schwab’s goal of the Great Reset. If you don't know about Schwab and his plan, go read about it. Now. Most of the global elites have signed on to the idea of taking humanity through a Fourth Industrial Revolution that will “fundamentally change the way we live, work and relate to one another.” Pretty much, Building Back Better. Of course, the climate change agenda is tied to this, since by 2030, the globalists have made it clear they want to significantly reduce carbon emissions by then, mainly by killing off the world population through war, starvation, diseases, and also, by vaccines. We have a lot to look forward to.

The global elites want to press the restart button on this world and create a new world order. They've always wanted to do it. They view pandemics as useful tools to accomplish their agenda because they can create new ways of living under the guise of protecting people from disease. Importantly, they can also use plausible deniability to cast the blame for death and suffering away from themselves. When there's an invisible pathogen circulating around, it is much more difficult to see who the culprits are. People are far more docile and more trusting of their leaders, largely because they fear death. They simply don't want to believe (or they don’t suspect) that their very own leaders are actually the grand conspirators who planned and executed the extermination plan against them.


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