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Writer's pictureClaudel


Trump held an emergency rally last night to address the Dinner-Gate controversy! He called Ye (Kanye) "SERIOUSLY TROUBLED" What da?!! Here's an excerpt! (PARODY)

TRUMP addressing rally crowd:

Everyone knows Kanye West is black okay? And he’s great. He is black, and believe me…that’s an incredible thing. He’s great…we just had dinner actually...and look I love black people okay? I love that okay? (crowd cheers) But Kanye West, I think the people call him Ye…he said to call him Ye (emphasis, taps podium). We had dinner and he said... Sir (comical voice for effect) call me Ye (crowd laughs). I said okay…who’s Ye? (crowd laughs). But I think that’s what he’s going by now? Is it Ye? (looks at the crowd, the crowd signals approval) Okay, well Ye… is black… he's African-American… (emphasis) that’s the correct term and that’s a beautiful term. I like the term (draws breath) African-American (emphasis). Ye’s been in some trouble lately…with some people, some very strong people… (draws breath, looks down) and those are some people with a lot of power...and let's just say I wouldn’t want to be Ye...I wouldn't want to be Ye (emphasis).

But I’ve been in some trouble too… (raises voice for emphasis, taps podium). The radical Left... (crowd boos) are still talking about Trump's tax returns! Can you believe it? It’s totally unfair…so unfair…like the election (emphasis, crowd boos loudly). But Ye is seriously troubled…he's troubled…and it might have to do with Kim. Kim K! (crowd boos). She’s a very nasty woman, I think she’s very nasty (crowd boos). And Ye doesn’t want me to say that… but I have to say that…and I was very nice to her… I got her a good deal…criminal justice reform! To let black men…African-Americans (emphasis), who are seriously troubled…sort of like Ye…out of jail! (crowd cheers) Out of jail! So ungrateful... And Ye is African-American and seriously troubled, but it’s mental (emphasis) with him…it’s not about black (emphasis)…it’s about mental (emphasis)…Okay? It’s mental (someone in the crowd screams “Kanye 2024!”).

And look I like Ye (does the Trump hands)…he's fantastic but he shouldn’t run. He shouldn’t run. I told him…Ye…you shouldn’t run. And he looked at me…and he said Mr. President, I think you’d be a good running mate (Trump makes a puzzled face for comedic effect). I said, I think you might be talking to the wrong guy! (crowd laughs)


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