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Who Actually "Bungled" Covid?

One of the most ridiculous and also damaging criticisms levied against Donald Trump last year was his so-called “bungling” of the coronavirus pandemic. There are few things more absurd than expecting a single individual to beat a virus, like it’s some sort of video game, because there are a deluge of factors that impact how a virus interacts with a vulnerable population. OBVIOUSLY.

this is a direct quote from joe. is that a projection?

Regardless of that obvious point, leftist media and even “right-wing” controlled opposition media asserted that Donald Trump did a "bad job" battling the virus. They said that he would have been successful if only he would just listen to the experts, fully commit to permanent testing, tracing, and lockdowns, and simply quit “downplaying” the virus. In the meantime, the same media pundits lauded his 2020 election opponent, creepy sleazy Joe Biden, as he ran (staggered) on a platform of “defeating the virus” and showing what real leadership would look like.

Mass media ran that narrative non-stop, particularly fear-mongering the population with a daily ticker of daily cases and deaths (which has largely disappeared now) and blaming Donald Trump for failing to single-handedly put an end to Covid. This is despite the fact that he issued a Presidential Proclamation on March 13, 2020 declaring a National Emergency that is still in effect which effectively suspended the U.S. Constitution, gave Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx the spotlight (sadly), invoked the authoritarian powers of the Defense Production Act to mandate private companies such as General Motors and 3M to produce ventilators and masks, and heaped billions of taxpayer dollars on big pharma companies like GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Merck, Johnson & Johnson, and Moderna in Operation Warp Speed.

Trump's administration worked round-the-clock to fast-track vaccines that would eventually be used to forcefully inoculate the entire U.S. population. To anyone who isn't a mind-controlled drone, that sounds pretty damn proactive. It looks like Trump was indeed “doing something” about the virus.

But despite all of these obvious signs that Trump was in all reality a useful pawn for ushering in permanent medical tyranny in the United States, the braindead globalist media apparatchiks filtered and framed the information in a manner that convinced a sizeable segment of the American public that Trump was totally inept. They did that for the sole purpose of getting him out of office. They depicted Joke Biden as the “science” candidate and portrayed Donald Trump as the “anti-science” candidate. Mass media presented Trump as the bumbling charlatan who actually believed that the virus was a hoax (lol) and that injecting Clorox was the best way to treat Covid. Of course, millions of indoctrinated leftists and anti-Trump conservatives (liberals who like free trade and low taxes) hung on every word that the mass media said. They were bombarded with enough propaganda to believe that a pervy dotard in his late 70s would right the ship, restore American freedom, and end the pandemic. It would all be over! Or something like that.

Then reality hit. Like a brick wall. They didn't see it coming.

hey! No fair. I didn't see this huge wall. I didn't see this coming!

(the quotation marks are there because there are so many untruths about the data. But for this article's sake, let's take them at face value)

According to the Johns Hopkins University Covid-19 pandemic tracker, the number of Americans who died from Covid in 2021 hit 353,000 within the first week of October, which surpassed the 352,000 people who died in 2020. What a shocker! Now remember, the pandemic began in earnest around March 2020 and Trump was in office until January 2021. So that is a timespan of about 10 months. Creepy Hair-Sniffing Joe has been in office from January 2021 to October 2021 and counting, which is a period of roughly 9 months. After doing some quick math, it’s evident that in a comparable amount of time, the candidate of science, the mandatory vaccinator, old dirty Biden, has miserably failed to shut down Covid. What a bummer.

Every left-winger and general Trump hater: “Joe Biden is going to show us all what real leadership looks like!” Sure.

Never mind that he can barely form a full, coherent sentence. Joe Biden has been President while over 57% of Americans have been so-called “fully vaccinated.” On the last day that Trump was still in office, January 20th, the percentage of Americans who were “fully vaccinated” was somewhere around 0.7%. Oh yeah, the vax campaign is working. Good job Joe, you did it! Please keep creepily whispering in our ears to get vaxxed as both your cognitive ability, and America as a country, continue to sink to new lows.

I’m very sorry to disappoint Biden voters who trusted the science, and thought that putting a senile old man in office would usher in some sort of American Renaissance. Let’s be clear. The Biden regime stands for medical apartheid and forced vaccinations. That’s it. That’s all. And there’s also BLM, and trans rights and...we’ll talk about that another time. The main tenet of Vaxxed Joe's Covid dictatorship is to get as many shots in arms as possible, and to demonize and ostracize the people who don’t want to participate.

Nearly one year to the day that Sleepy Joe Biden historically “won” the 2020 election with 81 million votes while running on a “pro-science” platform to “shut down the virus,” the numbers show that Old Dirty Biden has failed to deliver. Much like he has failed to deliver in his nearly 50 years in office. It’s too bad that the media can’t be honest about it because the media is being paid to keep the virus regime intact.

The media's campaign to that effect has been wildly successful, because the people who voted for Biden literally no longer even care about whether or not Joe Biden can actually “beat the virus.” That stupid concept has been tossed out in 2021 because the pro-Joe media pretty much doesn't make Joe Biden’s “handling” of the pandemic an hot button issue (is it really even still a pandemic?). Therefore, like obedient brainwashed slaves, the vast majority of those people who ardently believed that Biden would be the Covid messiah don’t even realize that the Covid results are actually worse this year. It's all so sad.

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